Ray is officially out of danger
Ray is officially out of danger now as his kidney function has improved and his diabetes is almost under control again. He is on the thickest of thickened fluids but he is still coughing so that is a bit of a worry. He doesn’t talk much, an occasional “yes” or “no”, no extended answers. It may just be that he is in a strange place and that is inhibiting him. The room he is in which is a small triangular single room has a nice view out of the window and they sat him near the window for a couple of days and he seemed happier with the passing traffic to watch as he does at home.
I have been going in every day, paying for parking and today found out that I could have got a “carer’s permit” that allowed me to park for $1 a day for the time he is there, would have saved me a lot of money. It is a large hospital spread over about six four storey buildings so I am only just finding my way around with confidence. I actually did my chaplaincy training there in 1994 but that was a few redesigns ago.
I have been going to stay home for a couple of days and do some re-organizing but can do that when he is moved closer. Once he is in the little geriatric hospital (similar to a SNF) his treatment will stabilize and I will not have to be there to answer questions for the staff. I was hoping to see some of the therapists today but no-one appeared, in fact he did not have any attention at all apart from the general staff. Maybe until he is stable, which he is now, no therapy could take place.
The weather has cheered up so it is not as bad traveling in and out to Gosford. There is a lot of roadwork going on between here and there so lots of hold-ups and very slow driving. A trip that used to take 25 minutes now takes 55 minutes. I hate that slow, slower, slowest driving. It seems like such a waste of time. I keep thinking of everything I could have been doing instead of sitting there in traffic, no wonder the younger ones get caught texting, they are trying to fill in their time.
Trev and Edie are preplanning their wedding on the new date of 6th August. They will have just a family party afterwards and Ray will be there even if I have to hire a couple of aides to be with him. It is a pity all this had to impact so many other people. Trev is just so afraid Ray will have another stroke. At aged 15 he was with us when Ray had the first one in 1990 so I guess that is one reason he is more affected than the other two.
One day life will return back to normal…that new normal that comes after every traumatic event. I can say that here knowing you all, survivors, caregivers and family members, will know what I am talking about. That is why my blog is here rather than Blogspot or some other site because here I am talking directly to people who know what I am talking about and how I feel.
I am sorry my attendance at chat etc has been so erratic, it will be for this week and maybe next and then life should slowly normalize again. That is if life goes as planned…hmmm…where have I heard that before?
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