1st Anniversary approaching
As my 1st anniversary of my stroke approaches, I have to count my blessings that I have made the progress that I have.
My Doctor told me that with the type of stroke that I had, I should be in a wheelchair.
My left arm and leg continue to give me problems but I try to work thru them.
I am not sure if they are phantom or caused by fatigue.
I was in an interview when my stroke occurred, I thought I was having a panic attack.
Needless to say it was not a panic attack and I did not get the job.
I am not working now and some day I hope to get back in the job market.
I have a MRI coming up and hopefully everthing is looking good.
If I have to have another angiogram I think I'll scream. It's not the test it's having to lay still for 6 hours after.
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