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Jacket Season And Weather Is Approaching Texas



Counting the triple digit days are over I think. After all it is September now the beaches and swimming pools are closed, kids are back in school and we are looking forward to cooler days and nights here in Texas. The wild fires are still burning all over Texas with no end in sight. Homes are being burned too. We sure could use the rain. The grass is brown and burned from the drought conditions this summer.


Some will say it's over due for cooler weather to be upon us and it may still be a few more days before we get out the jackets but we will welcome the change. We are used to football being a winter sport however there were days they couldn't practice, it was just too hot. It could have been dangerous for these kids out in the intense heat with pads on.


When we think of baseball and the World Series we think hot weather and October is right around the corner now. I'll be glad for football to get going and the cooler weather because this has certainly been a record heat summer for sure! This will certainly be a change of seasons in Texas this year and a welcomed change too. I'm glad and ready to shed the shorts for long pants and sox.


Now if we stay away from another record winter like last year's record snow fall that will be okay too. Could that much snow fall two years in a row? I hope not with budgets like they are the money for snow removal and salt could fall short in many cities this year. Then we have to consider the price of gas and the supply and demand. I still think that is one thing that can be manipulated by the stock market and the big oil companies.


Either way prices will go up as apposed to down and the profit will go into someones pockets. :big_grin: That's just the way the world works!


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Fred, when we lived out west and the temperatures went well over 100 degrees I threatened to hire a cooler van and settle inside with my bed and a pile of books and stay cool for the summer...never did it but it was often in my mind.


Enjoy the cooler weather and maybe one day it will rain again.



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