The Wet suit once again.
We get a couple of cool evenings and the pool gets cold. This means wet suit weather for William.
You should see me pulling that suit onto William. It is like stuffing a teenager into some tight pants. Not a pleasant picture. I will be soon going back to the warm therapeutic pool. it is a drive but at least the water is warm.
Life has certainly changed since the stroke. I told William that we eat out all of the time. Eating out is a nice excursion and we get the job of eating done. Killing 2 birds with one stone , to speak.
William has recently got a taste for Panera bread.. He needs that mediterrean veggie sandwich and a bowl of baked potatoe soup. He knows what he likes and orders readily for himself. This is good. This is progress.
We did only have 30 minutes in the water today. We got there late and a class was coming in at 8AM. I had William sit on the chair life and I swam my laps. William told me that he heard some guys talking and 4 laps equals a mile. Well guys ...I am up to 2-1/2 miles.
William sits and counts off the laps for me. He does not give me a break.!
We have an afternoon luncheon date with a friend from church. She is a civil war buff and has new information to share with William.
Friday, we have an outing to the Capital in Austin and a boat trip. I am playing with the Miralax today. I gave William a dose in the morning. I need to have the bowel movement tonight. During the day tomorrow will make it difficult. Acutally, I have until 11A tomorrow AM. WE will also be going to see the bats under some bridge in Austin.
William is recuperating in bed from the pool. and preparing for the luncheon.
We keep working on recovery. This is a very slow process...but We are being persistent.
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