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How Did He Know?



Something I never figured out from the morning of my stroke was a post-it (a note) that was stuck to a monitor in my room in the hospital ICU. The note was in my room before I was. My wife noticed the note shortly after they put me in the room and hooked me up to the monitors. She took the note down and read it. The note was from the Pastor at our church. The note said that he stopped by to visit but he missed us, and he would be back sometime later. My wife, kids, and my parents were the only ones who knew of my stroke and they didn't tell him. This was very curious. I didn't think he knew my name. I shook hands with him most Sundays after mass, but I don't remember introducing myself. He stopped back later in the week. The other priest from our chuch also stopped by and performed the Anointing of the Sick sacrement on me. I an convinced this helped my recovery.


I was released from the hospital on a Saturday. Sometimes we attend the Saturday night mass so that we can sleep in on Sunday morning. When I stepped into the church with my wife holding me on one side and my son on the other side, our Pastor saw me right away and smiled. He did not seem surpised to see me.


I don't feel a need to know how he knew. I've stopped trying to guess how he found out.


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Dave, I used to be a hospital visitor and often surprised people by arriving for a visit when they had just got there. Bad news travels fast and sometimes I would see a friend of the person in the parking lot or on my way in and they would tell me. Whatever happened I always felt it was the Lord's doing.


It is good you were well enought to go to Mass as soon as you got home. One kind of normal achieved then and there.



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I lived for a while with a minister and his wife. he had a scanner and kept it set on the Emergency channel to listen for ambulance and fire calls and he always went right away to members of our church.


It was before cell phones were popular and the whole family had CB radios so that if he was going to one hospital he could 'dispatch' one of us to another if needed.


There are a number of explanations but like Sue said, God had His hand in it, you can rest assured.



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Also, a lot of times the hospital has on record the denomination of your choice. They may have then called your church to let them know. At any rate, it is always nice to see your pastor or priest when you truly need the comfort and prayers.



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I am so touched by gesture of your pastor. I am sure your pastor's visit gave you hope & strength to fight on. I think that's what matters. I remember when so many friends visited me at the hospital. It gave me comfort knowing that I was loved.



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