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well i am sure that you have heard the phrase if you don"t use it you lose it :Nodding: and being a stroke surviver you have very good days and very bad days :crying: i know how bad it can get :Nodding: i have been there that is why i say no matter how har it getsNEVER GIVE UP!! :gym: AND NOW ABOUT THE BAD DAYS THAT YOU MAY HAVE :Ask: I HAVE FOUND THAT THE KEY TO being happy, and having a very good day is to keep as active as you possibly can without overdoing it how munch is to munch ? :Scratch-Head: if you don"t enjoy itthats why i always said pick a goal that you really love to do and do it :roflmao: for me that goal is walking and now that i can walk now i set a new goal to walk even further and further until one day my goal and my motavation to do keep at it and to reach my goal has made me feel very good about myself sothat is whty if you set a new goal a goal that is near to your heart and it is doable and that you enjoy doing it that will keep you motivated and by continue to work at it along with phisio and motavation and your new goal you will keep yourself very busy and since recovery doesn"t happen overnight you need to keep bust exercise lots keep on moving everchance you get being motavated to just do it will keep your healthy make you get more endurance give you something to complete and it"s all about motavatiion you just keep walking further and further and once you have maintain your goal you will feel great and you will have a great day dayallthe days will be great and just thiink it all started by just started your close to your heart goal and being motavated and your brain will make new conections nstill not more faster but if you never get your goal and get motivated you will never know orfind out just how munch you can do , but to findout you MUST get motivated , you will never know just how munch you can do unless you try and you have a choice to have a good day most of the time or to not you will succeed, with a new goal and a new motivational and by the way i promise myself that i would walk twice a day and i"ve only done once so i have to go to get in my walk have a great day


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Lenny, I am so proud of you and your determination:happydance: I'm sure if I get my dictionary out, your picture will be right beside the definition of motivation!


Keep up the good work, and God will see you through.



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Lenny, I am so proud of you and your determination:happydance: I'm sure if I get my dictionary out, your picture will be right beside the definition of motivation!


Keep up the good work, and God will see you through. oh thank you kathy for your very nice thought , and i am hopoing that if i look up stmembers of stroke net i will see all the members of stroke net thank you kathyyou are the best



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Truer words could not be said. That is what I live. I push William to meet that goal. You are a true inspiration.



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Lenny, you are a true motivational member here. I only wish Larry was as motivated as you are.



oh thank you julie for your message and like you i am hoping that my message of getting motivated to give your larry onto the journey of recovery all the best to you julie and to larry

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Lenny, you're the motivation guru.thank you sue for that as far as i am concerned you are the chat host cargiver and the very best at your job as a caregiver you are doing the right thing you have carbeen a caregiver that it is time to take care of yourself



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Guest hostwill


Lenny, I am so proud of you and your determination:happydance: I'm sure if I get my dictionary out, your picture will be right beside the definition of motivation!


Keep up the good work, and God will see you through. oh thank you kathy for your very nice thought , and i am hopoing that if i look up stmembers of stroke net i will see all the members of stroke net thank you kathyyou are the best





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