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Anyone tip over in Walmart-just picking out some shoes I could wear over my leg brace/leaned over too far to right=right side paralyzed- dumb thing to do so felt like a weeble but a broken one cuz they don't fall. Anyway we laughed after someone helped pick me up-learned my lesson/anyone else done something dumb-learned to laugh


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hey rehab:


welcome to wonderful & therupetic world of blogging. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side in 2004. What I have learned if you are able to laugh on yourself this post stroke journey is not very difficult. life is just different post stroke no good or bad just different. for me funny story was in rehab hospital while pulling my pants up. my sister pulled my pants hard up by wiggling me & ofcourse down I went lol scared the hell out of her & ofcourse in walmart once a fat associate bumped into me & down I went, though those were initial years, not anymore, now I take my hubby down if I go down lol



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There will be lots of things to laugh about, enjoy and remember. Isn't it wonderful to finally get to that stage of recovery. New and fun memories. Takes a bit and I remember it being very rare, but now we laugh and joke and make fun almost daily. Gives true meaning of there is life after stroke!


Bruce has been coming to the car, by himself in a WC, across a parking lot from the grocery store for a few weeks now. He loves going ninety down the ramps-lol. My worry of course is he is not that visible at WC level and will the drivers see him.


Today I unloaded the groceries to the car and still no Bruce, so now I can't breathe, I know he is somehow injured, our local Emergency Response team is in the lot. He is two parking aisles over talking to a neighbor. Now in itself this is a great thing. I am stressing conversation without relying on me. However, once I could breathe again, we laughed all the way home. Great stuff. Debbie

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I hadn't been out of rehab very long when I grew very tired of my newly acquired Phyllis Diller look. I decided to throw caution to the wind (as well as my bank roll) and spend a day at the salon and buying some attractive clothes. Well, since I was out, and once the deed was done I took myself out to lunch. I felt good! and thought I was looking good.


I was eating at a buffet that I enjoy and happily looking over all the goodies when an elderly lady came up to me and excitedly said to me " I'm sorry to bother you but I just had to say I love your..." I just knew she would say my new hair cut, or any of the stuff I bought. "I just love your cane!"


My cane??? I got it from Walgreen's for $9.95! She said she was 70 and had a stroke three years before and began collecting fancy canes once she graduated from the walker. There we stood in front of the salad bar after having spent way too much money trying to look classy again, talking about the latest fashions in canes! She told me about her rhinestone crusted cane, canes of every color and there I was with my green paisley cane.


I guess what Mamma said was true. It's all about accessorizing, Baby!

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thanks for the funny stories,I guess being able to laugh at yourself and your frustrations is part of the healing and we all need that,I know falling is not beneficial and we certainly don't plan it but if you can laugh -later good for you

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