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The holidays



Well it has been a pretty good week. I was off work this week and spent most of my time with Oliver. It is such a joy! He has been in good spirits all week and therapy went well. He did go deer hunting with our oldest son and our 7-year old grandson. Oliver didn't get a deer, but the grandson did, so he was so thrilled. His endurance is much better. He was out hunting for 6 hours, keep in mind, they hunt from the truck as he has a permit that allows him to. But still, just riding around in the woods (actually it's a reclaimed mine property), for 6 hours wears me out. He did great and enjoyed it so much. I was so thrilled for him.


Thursday was pretty painful for me. This was a day that we spent with my mom, siblings and their families. However, since mom passed away last year, we didn't get together. I cried most of the morning as Oliver slept. Our boys both had dinner with their in-laws so I was pretty much alone all day. Finally that evening, some of my brothers and sisters came over for a visit. It meant the world to me. Our boys came as well. Oliver smiled the entire time and ole the stories that are told when they're all together.


All and all, we are pretty well blessed. I know things could be a whole lot worse and we've settled in to our new normal. However, we will never quit until Oliver is able to walk and eat everything he wants. Hey he did eat turkey and gravy, dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and green beans. Some grinded in the blender, but never the less, he got to eat thanksgiving dinner.


Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. I Peter 5:7


God bless all and hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Judy


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Judy: could not wait for you post. I am so excited for Oliver and prayed the day would go well. It sounds like a great success! And I was so hoping that for Oliver-to be able to consider doing some of the old favorites, not dwelling on his disabilities, not being a naysayer or just giving up.


Six hours in the fresh air alone probably did wonders for him! You may also find that that plays a part in his swallowing problems.


That first Thanksgiving post is a tough one, especially after also losing your Mom. But in time honey, you and Oliver and family will find a true holiday comfort zone. Something that will fit all of you. And if it is just dessert and coffee in the evening, that is OK. One of the positives already was that Oliver sat down to a meal he was looking forward to, did not have to deal with the confusion of a lot of people or the pace that is set by having others. You were able to take your time, prep for him and obviously it went very well!


Great week! Prayers, Debbie

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Did they take the deer to the packing house to be dressed out? The pan sausage is great and the chops/roast is good too. Since the grandson got his first you can have the taxidermist stuff the head to mount on a wall then he can brag until he turns 50.


I went to Walmart and got my fishing and hunting licenses but only been fishing on my scooter out on the pier on the military base. I bet there are two deer for each acre of land


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Judy, I am so glad all went well for your Thanksgiving. Your spouse seems to be recovering just fine. Six hours in the open air! Larry would have to be hauled back on a stretcher and would sleep for 3-4 hours. LOL Best to you.



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Judy, well done, you can through this first Thanksgiving with flying colors and better still - high spirits.I am so glad Oliver was able to eat something resembling Thanksgiving dinner. It makes it all seem "normal" and so much more enjoyable for you too as you have some positive memories of celebrating together.



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