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your journey of recovery, the long and bumpy road



Well as you know from my post i always greet you by saying all the best to you in your journey of recovery i always use it as a metaphor to explain the fact that it is always so long as you go through recovery it does in fact become a journey and no two journey is alike except that it is a long journey some with less bumps but none the lessalways a lot longer than we would like. But in your journey it is always about your goal and what you would like to accomplish in your recover from your stroke.


I have always love to run in fact as you probably know i have run and completed two marathons and in fact was in the middle of training for another marathon when i had my stroke so it made sense to me that since i love to run i should first learn to walk so my goal became to learn how to walk which i did and then to continue to increase my distance which i am doing and because i have set my site to do what i truely love to do my journey is still a long trip but i have less bumps because i enjoy doing what i am doing and that is what it is all about enjoying what you are doing to continue on your quest so that it becomes fun instead of a chore because you will no doubt what to quit if the goal in your life starts to become a chore so you must enjoy it.


When you are recovering you go through a lot of thinking so it is best if you can think good thoughts and now with your emotional rollercoaster emotional as you continue to endure your new goal and your new challenge as you compleate it you will feel very good about that and that adrenaline rush will keep you going for a very long time it is all about how you feel right now do not start to think negitive thoughts like gee i think i am not getting any better its no use in fact because it takes so long to get recovery that you are never sure really just how far you have come it will come if you just get a positive attitude and always love what you are doing.


If one doesn"t work as well as you would like then change your goal to work on your arm for instances it is very easy to fall into the trap of thinking very negitive as you go throurough your journey, as you always want more and you always want it right now but unfortunitly it doesn"t work like that you do have to work at it and work at it hard so that is why you pick a goal that you enjoy doing because no doubt you will have to do it and redo it over and over again so try to stay in the right frame of mind stay positive.


Just keep on keeping on don"t ever wonder if it will ever pay off because that not very positive just know that it is what it is a lot like the inch worm for every thing that you gain you forgot just how far you have come because it takes so long to get where you are you are always tring to second guess where you are today in the scheme of thing in your journey of recovery.


Trust me that is why it is always just a little bit different it"s not the work that you are doing all stroke survivors work hard to recover it is the how you percieve it it is paying off in a very big way ask yourself one question ask yourself where will i be now if i hadn"t try to do this or that so just learn to love what you are doing and try to do it every day without wondering is it paying off because you know that it is and just think great.


We have all recovery from a stroke we can all meet one another and compare notes about our journey of what we did or how bumpy or long the road we was on i bet it would make quite the journal and probably make the stroke surviver know that each and every journey of recovery is very special to you and to me and it lets all stroke surviver know that its not the end of life for me or for any new stroke surviver no it is just one more journey the journey of recovery, hope you have a good one.


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you nailed it, no wonder you are doing so well in your recovery. you have great attitude towards your life & stroke recovery. I feel the same, that's why I am able to realize stroke is just bump in my life's journey it made me slow down & enjoy the sightseeing while on this journey.



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