My Current Normal
I thought about calling this blog “My New Normal” but I’m convinced there is still a lot of recovery left in me.
I still get extremely tired by the end of each day.
Most nights I'm able to help my kids with questions on their algebra homework.
My vision is not was it was. I got my first eyeglasses. They work well for reading. I don’t like to wear them, so I don’t unless I really need to.
My hearing is not perfect. It was starting to go before the stroke anyway.
The strength in my right side is sloooooowly coming back. I’ve learned to be patient. I can only get stronger.
My artery is 50% blocked from the injury and it will probably never get better. I’m looking forward to getting into a batting cage. I have a score to settle with a baseball. I have an appointment with my neurologist on the 31st. I hope she says I can take a few swings. Even if I get permission to turn my neck I’ll be happy.
I’m 99% sure that I will NOT have another stroke. I’m still working on that last percent.
I’m not as cold as I was just a few months ago. I am dressing in layers.
My handwriting is very sloppy. When I type, I get a mystery space before the letter e. This is strange because my right side was affected by stroke.
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