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I did not see this coming!



I have been trying for the past half hour to get my daughter to get out of bed..well wake up because she fell asleep on the living room floor again! She is home for the weekend with the goal of digging out her bedroom. She has the largest room in the house and it is almost like an episode of Horders! She is a beautiful and talented college student so is rarely home and her room has become a storage room of dumped crafts, clothes and memorabilia. Then she had a cat that lived in that room nights and well, unhappily has left her own message of what she thinks of sleeping alone! I want to scrub the carpet so the goal this weekend is to just get down to carpet level. I still need to have a realtor look at the place SOON.


While post holidays found me exhausted, I had been so happy to spend so much time with my family and especially Dick. Then of course I spent three days caring for my dad in the hospital. It was inevitable that my health took a nose dive again. This time I just did NOT want to go to the ER but after taking my medication my 18 year old “mother” called them anyway. Since my doctors have assured me that these episodes will continue to happen the rest of my life I have instructed my family not to call 911 unless I approve it because it does not help the situation to be dragged into the hospital. We had our first snow storm that night and in typical Delaware reaction to a couple inches of the white stuff, half the hospital shut down and my discharge was goofed up. I spent a day and a half in ER then was admitted so the floor doctors could discharge me!


I HATE texting. I always have but the ability to text just about destroyed my family that weekend. Things got said in anger and others taken out of context. With four people texting me at the same moment I found my answers about five statements behind and to the wrong girl. Youngest took it the hardest because I was mad she did not honor my wishes. Big sisters came to her rescue. On and on until the knee jerk reactions of said 18 year old became dangerous. The dust is settling but my baby has moved out of the house. It was a dramatic move but she rarely backs down even when she realizes her mistake. With her she took three of our cats and my entire checking account. I have my cat back and her sister’s which makes me very happy. But would you believe I came home two nights ago and the 18 year old’s fish had died! What timing! Why on my watch?


So you can see the frame of mind I was in the night I got home from the hospital. A couple hours later the nursing home called to say I had to come in and get Dick to cooperate. I explained that I had just gotten out of the hospital but they still insisted. I looked at my ice incrusted car and called the supervisor. They still insisted. So fearing they would send him to the hospital I dug out the car and with overnight bag in hand went to care for Dick. I was grumpy and even made Dick give up his hoard of teaspoons taken from his meal trays for a couple of months!! Dick is again without a roommate so I just pushed the bed next to Dick’s and spent the night. He was so precious in his care through the night. My little blanket would leave me uncovered and he spent the night pulling it back into place. Since I knew he had not slept much I waved away intruders coming in to “care” for him at 6 and 7 AM. When breakfast arrived though, I made him get up.


But then it happened. Dick uses two sweeteners in his coffee every meal then hoards the third. OK I am tired, in pain, and sick of heart so when Dick wanted the sugar packet put in the bottom drawer I refused. There was a wheelchair and a chair in the way and pulling that stuff just wasn’t in my abilities. Suddenly in Dick’s world that packet was the MOST important thing in the world. He got mad because I would not cooperate. And when I tried to reason with him it only got worse. In my blabbering I asked him what was more important: sugar packet or my pain. Dick’s response: sugar packet. I whigged out. Says little for me personally doesn’t it but there it is. For some reason having the sugar packet the most important just when all my kids plus my parents (parents took poor little waif in) were all mad at me just didn’t feel too good. I went home.


So now I am struggling to bring things back into line. We are still trying to determine if MFP is a good match for Dick. My night in the nursing home brought home to me the reality of living with Dick. He can still care and try so hard to watch out for me but then that dementia can kick in and he becomes angry and unreasonable. Can I live with that? If he comes home I will have support but a major bulk of the responsibility will be mine. What if he falls when no one else is there to pick him up? Do I leave him there until help comes or damage my back even more by trying to move him? So far I do not have any answers for myself.


The other question has been whether to keep or sell the house. Modifications would need to be done to the house which would be covered by MFP. But what about the expense and my inability to care for the yard. Yet my house is my last asset. In today’s market it I likely will not get my money out of it. If I hold on things will likely change. These things always cycle.


Decisions decisions. I have made bad ones in the past and therefore do not trust my judgment. I have put myself behind the eight ball so to speak because I try to give good things for my girls. Phones for three of them and a car for one are what I bought this past year with the agreement that they would pay their monthly payments. They have not. I excuse them realizing the bind that college girls can be in but now that my youngest is taking her death benefit check from our resources I am feeling the squeeze even tighter.


To make me feel even guiltier, I had to sell some of Dick’s things this week. He was a man with exquisite and expensive tastes. He had a fortune tied up in jewelry. He does not even remember that he has it and even looks blank at some of the pieces I have shown him. Still I feel the dirty bird by selling them. But it makes it possible to pay the back utilities and provide some grocery money. The mortgage company is working to lower my interest rate so maybe it will be more affordable to keep the house. I do the best I can.


Last night I finally got my cat and my older daughter’s cat back. Happy DANCE!! But my college girl has decided to allow the youngest to keep her cat after this weekend. A good thing for me. Two cats is enough for me to care for. The dust is settling. Lyssa is moving out for sure so I do not have to worry about the constant clash between her and Dick so there are good things coming of it all. I have kept much of the changes from Dick out of simplicity. I will face that next week after kid #4 is back to school.


Now begins a new life. Unless Dick comes home, this will be the first time in my life I have lived by myself. Not too sure how I feel about that. The little house seems to me to keep getting bigger and bigger. It is a ranch with three bedrooms but I also have a finished basement. I am hoping to get the basement to the point I can forget it except for laundry. That has been teenager zone so it needs work. And the bathroom will have to have some attention. But I am taking it a day at a time and somehow surviving.



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Hi Ruth. Several emotions went through me while I was reading your blog. I felt sorry, angry, sad and frustrated for you.


My advice to you would be to take care of yourself. I would not try to move your husband to your home with his dementia. I would not try to sell your house now.


You have a lot on your plate. You need to slow down. Things will improve but if you don't take care, you won't be able to help your spouse or your daughters or take care of your home.


This is just my own humble opinion.


Best to you and your family,



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Thanks Julie,

I have been playing with that idea today. I think I feel I need permission to make that choice. It certainly would be best for me. Still I am always concerned about what is best for Dick. I am sure that his quality of life would improve 100% if he were home. But I feel like I am having to chose between caring for him OR caring for myself. There doesn't seem to be a 50/50 or even 80/20 split. For the next couple of months though I think I will see what life does before making drastic changes. Just having my last one leave home (ok so the college girls come home still) is a big enough adjustment for me to handle just now.


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Oh Ruth: you are juggling so much right now. Please know I am thinking of and praying for all of you.


The one thing I am truly sorry for is the one special, unscheduled night you spent with Dick was so stressful and then the next morning. Those times are so rare and precious, it was a shame it did not go well.


Your daughters must pay their bills, the ones they agreed to. Cell phones get cut off if they can't pay. I understand the car, we did that for Britt so she could get back and forth to school and work. However maintenance and insurance were on her. She even took at course at the local Tech School so she can do basic stuff like oil change, fluid changes herself.


I think you might enjoy your home to yourself. You go room by room, slowly and when you feel like it and then can close some stuff off for winter to save on heating.


As far as Dick coming home and/or selling the home. Give it some time to settle. You are emotionally and physically stretched right now. Take some time to just be alone and able to do what you want and take care of the necessities on your schedule.


As far as selling things, we talk often here of clean up and accepting what is not coming back. Those things of value, that Dick would not notice were gone, while sad in having yet again to say goodbye to some happier, better times, is OK. You have to keep a roof over your heads.


Please do let us know how things are going. I do think of you often and was glad you checked in. Thank you, Debbie

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Listen to Debbie, she talks sense.


Like you I have played with the idea of bringing Ray home - BUT I know the dementia would defeat me. I can talk to Ray now and his blank expression tells me he does not understand what I am saying and his turning his head away tells me he can't hold his attention for long and I would be constantly fighting that as well.


That sudden change from Mister Nice-Guy to Mr Nasty that undermines what you are trying to do for him also devalues all you have done in the past. It happens to me too.There is truly no future together now, only those few hours we spend together when Ray is in a good mood are worth remembering. The rest it is better to forget.


Like you I am now having to look at life alone. Like you I have a lot of cleaning out and sorting to do. Like you I look at the finances and wonder if it is a good time to sell now or if I need to do what I can to keep up with repairs etc. No easy answers here.


I am in better health than you are Ruth and still know that I simply don't have the energy to tackle all the problems as it is without adding more.



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Debbie: Thanks for what you have said. And Sue: The same. You have both directed the same direction. This weekend has been one of reevaluation. The I have decided to just be alone at least for two months. And just let the changes of having all the girls gone sink in. I think seeing what can be done to slowly do the repairs around the house will put me in a better time of year to sell if it comes to that. On one hand it is frightening but on the other it is kind of exciting. I have never lived alone before. I do have two college girls that come home on break but I am busy now making this MY home rather than accomodating everyone else. One of the girls has been home this weekend. Face it, most of her important stuff she has with her in her apartment at school. The rest needs to be whittled down and boxed up since she really doesn't need it now. I take her back to school today then I have to figure out how to balance my responsability to Dick. Ruth

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