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thanks for the prayers



thanks for your prayers. my husband had his right side carotid artery surgery yesterday, leap day. so we will remember this esp. every 4 yrs. thankfully he is home today. dr. said it was really blocked around 80-85% and they had to roto-rooter 3 inches worth making a 4 in. incision. thank God this was caught in time. having just had my 10 yr. stroke anniversary we didn't need another one to track. our youngest son brought us to the hospital in his 4 wheel drive truck since we had our 2nd snowstorm of the winter. figures. the other snow was in oct. this whole winter has been crazy. if we didn't get snow on the leap day we would have broken a record of having no snow in feb..we got about 7 inches. i spent the night at my sisters while hubby spent the night at the hospital. glad he stayed there. his bp was very high all night. 198/93. definitely stroke numbers . i told the dr. i thought the fear was only during surgery but he said no.that's why they were having him stay overnight to monitor him. good thing.! nurses were in constant contact with doctors and continually changing iv bags to bring his pressure down but it wasn't under control until this morning 10 hrs later!.he said he thought he was going to die. i'm so glad i didn't know this was going on thankfully things are getting back to normal. husband stil weak and sore but that prevents him from overdoing.he finally got some sleep when he got home..think i'll go to sleep early tonight.thanks again for warm thoughts and prayers. blessings lynn


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I am so happy surgey went ell & he is home already. tell him to take it easy for a week & then he can tackle all his duties.



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Lynn: thank you so much for taking time to let us know how things went. So now you hunker down for a few days and just enjoy the snow from the house, nice cup of tea and some true down time.


Bruce's incision was about the same size and now 2 1/2 years post, you can hardly see it.


Wonderful news and so much stress and angst taken off both of you. Good weekend, get some rest and give him a big hug and kiss for me. Well done! Debbie

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lynn..I hope the next stage is "and they all lived happily ever after", or as close as we humans get to that.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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