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Different, But Not So



While wandering around teh internet on Monday, I received a facebook invitation to a friend's birthday party, to take place last night. Feeling like I had really turned a corner and felt like I could be in control of my own life again (read A Stroke of Insight), I chose to RSVP that I would attend. And attend I did.


Now, to be honest, the friend in question is one whom I have not seen in person for quite some time, let alone spoken with in person. I vaguely recognized the face, knew the name, but could not, for the life of me, remember the voice or how I knew this person. Products of the stroke. So, I poured over his facebook page, trying to make a connection, and spoke with the 3 mutual friends we share on facebook, trying to to ignie some spark of memory. Nothing worked.


But, yesterday, I decded that a friend is a friend, and a birthday is a birthday, so I baked him Stained Glass cookies, something I typically only do at Christmas time, got myself cleaned up and went to the party, held at a local coffeehouse, owned by one of o0ur mutual friends. I am very glad I did!


He and I got to talking about from where/how we knew each other. He had a hard time placing it at first too, but we finally made the connection. It seems we go WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back, to the days before Logan, my youngest son, was born, so we are talking about 19-20 years.


I also reconnected with a fellow I went to high school with, and his wife. I hadn't seen them in about 17 years. Then, in walked anoter friend of mine I had not seen in about 8 years. It was interesting.


These people knew me long before the strokes, but I hadn't seen them in years. They were all surprised to learn about the strokes and, aside from a few "subtle" differences, they would not have guessed I'd gone through that.


It was great! They filled in memory holes for me, most of which I have already forgotten, but some of which,I remember, passed off the aphasia issues and teased me about my "apparent lack of sobriety" when balance left me momentarily. It was all in good fun.


I don't think I have laughed so much, blushed so much, flirted so much, or enjoyed myself so much in a very, very long time. It was well into the wee hours of the morning when I finally returned home and, after another session of snuggling with Monster and the cats, fell asleep for the night.


I woke to my phone sounding a text message this morning. One of my friends, from last night, has asked to get together to remenise and hang out this afternoon, after he is off work. So, I spent my morning making sure the place was presentable. I tentatively have a date with the "birthday boy" for Friday night as well. After all, he has to return the depression glass platter that held the cookies I made for him.


I almost feel like the "old Lydi" again, the one from college, with a few noted, and just as readily dismissed as "just Lydi now," differences.


I really needed to get o0ut of the house and know for sure that I am still "me."


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