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Quackery and Charlatans



Without naming treatments or therapies; I've run into many bogus 'cures' in the 2.5 years since my stroke. I understand the desperation involved for the survivor and often times the family, in pursuing anything that promises to bring that which was lost, back. I also realize that stroke recovery depends greatly on attitude and motivation for continued recovery after the first year. So, most of us say nothing to those seeking alternative and unproven treatments. Which is fine...placebos don't hurt unless a person pins their hopes of recovery on a 'miracle' cure, spends money they can't afford or neglects treatment that will help them in favor of the quick fix.


I suppose I'm a little irate about it all. I'm in contact with one stroke survivor that does all of the above and it's just sad to witness when yet another' sure cure' inevitably doesn't work for her. In the meantime, she doesn't actively pursue the recovery work that would strengthen and edge her forward. Mentally, financially and physically damaging. And yet, as blunt as I normally am, even I can't tell her straight out that it's a load of !@$%, because it would dampen her temporary enthusiasm. Instead I look up what it is she's discovered this time and give her facts and statistics on it's efficacy... which she completely ignores. My understanding is that she was like this prestroke as well. Oh, and now she has some herbs she's planning to use to replace her coumidin(or rat poison, as she calls it) for her a-fib which caused her stroke, and hydrogen peroxide therapy 150 miles away. I have spoke with her daughter, and a Chaplin we both know and neither have made a dent in dissuading her. Cognitive dissonance I suppose.


Well, my rant is done. We can all go home now.

*kicks soapbox into bushes*


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I have very similar thorns in my side. I understand you anger,frustration and sadness.

Don't get rid of that soapbox just yet...ya never know when it might come in handy!

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You hit the nail on the head with a sludge hammer "Stroke Recovery depends greatly on attitude and motivation for continued recovery the rest of our lives"! Should we give up/out or let go then so does our recovery. After all the brain cells died in many areas of that part of the brain when the blood stopped flowing. We can keep ourselves limber and somewhat fit and strong with exercises, stretches and mind over matter in a desire to still live a healthy life with our loved ones!


That's my idea of living with a stroke! I got loved ones I'm not ready to leave just yet! I never spent money I couldn't see it helping me recover except therapy my insurance pays for! I've never even had botox treatments! I think I depend on God more than anything else and it's been 8 years now recovering! I got my cane, my scooter and I drive my car so I'm OK with what I got I can walk into church but need a little help to get up off the pews but I can walk back out on my own get in my vehicle and drive back home! Sometimes I even stop by Sam's club to pick up items for my wife so I use my scooter! For me life is good no complaints I'm alive!


That's my rant too!

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leese :


that's what I am afraid of after my stroke that I have my acceptance so strong that I don't want to keep on trying out some unproven therapies which could impact me negatively, I guess that means I m okay with my post stroke life & don't want to jeorpadize my new normal.



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Leese: there is just so much out there right now and all internet available. No research or proven results. I see ads daily on all this stuff.


As frustrating as this is, acceptance is the key. Until we get there, no voice of reason is heeded. You can only pray that no one is hurt. Be a good friend, listen, advise. Best you can do. There will always be someone out there toting their wares for money, without regard for others. One person at a time. And bless you for being there for her, because when she crashes, she will need you. Debbie

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Hello everyone! My name is Mark Ittleman and I have been reading these posts and realize that there are so many aspects of treatment, and yes there are some which are considerably better than others, and there are those who may not fully understand the methodology to some of these methods. In addition, many of the methods and treatments are designed by therapists or health care providers, for therapists and health care providers.

For any of you who wish to learn about a form of therapy for speech and language stimulation, I would like to introduce my new book, The Teaching of Talking, which was written after 40 years of clinical practice with people with strokes and aphasia.

Please stop by my websites and take a look around. I am a member of The Stroke Network and am devoting the rest of my clinical life to teaching caregivers about expert methods they can learn to help stimulate speech and language at home; much like what a mother first does when a toddler is learning speech.

Please check us out and if I can answer any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know on this blog or through my e mail that you can find on my websites:

Thank you for allowing me to introduce myself.


Yours truly,




Mark A. Ittleman, M.S., CCC/SLP

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It's really more about control. If we look for blame for what happened to us and feel it could have been prevented had we known, we blame ourselves. We then continue to look for ways to undo what has happened with often methods that make as little sense as the event itself, but still allowing for a sense of control over our destiny. ~ This is most often felt by those who feel cheated because they believe they didn't deserve what happened.


Of on the other hand, when we accept that things just happen and we don't control whether or not they do based on if we deserved it, we're free to be happy, even disabled by stroke.

We then have the freedom and positive attitude to work to move forward in recovery and life instead of remaining stuck in a dead end self-pity place going nowhere.


It will take time, but she'll eventually learn that there's nothing she can do to undo it. Maybe start by helping her see strokes just happen and devoting time to undoing it is just giving up more of her life to it.


Thanks for kicking your soapbox in my direction.




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Maria, I'll have to think about what you've said. Strokes aside, Some folks are always looking for the quick fix. It's why Benny Hinn and psychic surgeons stay in business.Water and shark cartilage cures for cancer. Consistent gullibility and lack of applied critical thinking in some ways. I'll definitely reflect on the control and blame idea. Thank you.No one should feel to blame or deserving of any of this, but society naturally leads us to feel we are. But that's another blog entry. : )


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