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a fall,computer fix, an ignored little voice



since last entry, i fell getting out of tub shower, directly onto my knees. it's an old cast iron tub so there is no give to that. it's higher then the fiberglass ones of today. i had a handle i use to get in and out. it was here that the little voice said handle is loose. i ignored it. always regret that. just as i put my whole weight on it to get out.; it gave way and down i went .husband was there almost before i landed. no way could i get up with both knees under myself. almost had to call 911 but hubby and i finally made it out. he had to climb in tub with wonder i'm not allowed to take shower unless he's home. thankfully he has had his checkup and neck was cleared to lift whatever. good thing this didn't happen a couple of weeks ago .luckily, just black and blue knees. pretty impressive;pretty lucky.

my niece's ex mother in law has passed. still a shock about someone so active. such a freak thing. with no brain activity, family made decision to remove life support.

the lcd went on my computer but now is working well.

son and grandkids still staying here on friday nights.he had a meeting with divorce lawyer but still does not want one. we'll see what happens. what a mess. when i went to dr. for reg. app't i told him i was doing well physically except for b&b knees but mentally a mess. he gave me some mental exercises to work on for the stress.

birthday in a couple of days and another month and year in the books

blessings lynn


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Lynn, hope you have some plans for your birthday, even if it is just a cupcake with a candle, a vase of flowers picked at the wayside etc. Doesn't have to be a big celebration, just something to give your spirits a lift.


I have had some computer troubles, son talking seperation, Ray "locked down" in his facility, Mum in hers, gets kind of "ho hum" doesn't it.


Happy Birthday anyway.



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Lynn all I can say and add is be careful in the bathroom and all over the house! I got a high tub cause my wife likes to nearly lie down in it but I catch holy hell trying to raise my bad leg high enough to get it in the tub!

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I am so happy that you did not break anything & just bruises that will heal. always be careful & listen to that inner voice. happy birthday.



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Lynn, so thankful you just ended up with bruises. Please take care. Happy Birthday honey and yes, please do something special for yourself. Debbie

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i found i could not get out of the tub so use walk-in shower. i tried tub once and thought we were going to call fire dept to help me out. Listen to that small voice and pay attention to it. bathrooms are dangerous! Leah

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Sorry to hear about your fall. I lift my leg up so high I almost lose my balance sometimes trying to get in and out. It's funny because I purposely lift my leg extra high to keep from tripping on the tub. Luckily we have the tub where the bar is like in the wall and I have a portable handle that sticks to the other side of the wall. Be careful. Im glad you didn't get hurt too bad.

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