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Somewhat of a personal milestone today. I walked a section of my prestroke walking route. Spring is really here and the city has cleaned the debris of Winter from the sidewalks, making it safe to venture out. I used to love my walks and mourned my inability to go on them the past two and a half years. I'd made a couple attempts in the past but really wasn't up to the challenges it presented


Today, it wasn't how I'd envisioned it, but It's a start. My daughter went with me. I used a hiking pole to aid my balance and confidence. (a concession I wasn't willing to make until now) I was pretty fatigued from the rehab gym but was set on going. There is a paved trail that meanders through the wooded area of my neighborhood. It's funny, because I remembered it being flat and even...and it wasn't. There was a steep incline getting both on and off the trail. Things that were inconsequential prestroke are of paramount importance now.I made the incline solo but took my daughters arm going down since I was tired and toe-lift had deteriorated by that point. It might have amounted to1/2 to 3/4 of a mile walk and I was toast after.But I did it and will keep at it.


This August I want to go to the State fair where there is a band appearing that I want to see. I wanted to go last year and a couple of friends suggested taking me in a WC. They don't understand my flat out refusal of the idea. They think I'm being difficult...and maybe I am... but so what. It was hard work to get out of the wheelchair, leave the walker behind and then set the cane aside. I want forward, not backward. So, me and my old hiking/walking pole will go to the fair this year and eat a pork chop on a stick and listen to the Avette Brothers and go home tired and accomplished. It's worth the work.




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I get it about the wheel chair. I think anyone who ever HAD to sit in one would. I smiled through your whole entry. I hope you have more days like today. That's my kind of day.

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hey leese :


more you go out on adventures like these easier it will become. I remember hiking first time in my first camping trip post stroke. my leg hurt whiole night after walking just couple of miles & today I walk more than 11 miles atleast 4 times in a week.



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That's what you call not giving up and definitely not going backwards! So forward march you are determined to get this show done, have fun!!

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I commend you. Yes, keep going forward. Insist on going forward.


You are doing so well.


Enjoy the fair. It sounds fun.



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