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why is it



that I only think of visiting,reading and writing here when it's close to my bedtime?... Rhetorical, really. I've always been a night owl and get more pensive as the hours creep toward morning. It's nearly midnight and I can see the sun setting hues through new leaves on the birch tree out my window, It won't set all the way this time of year. It will dip and curtsy toward twilight, leaving just a slice on the horizon, and ascend again brightly by 3:00 A.M. It doesn't do much good to think what I would and did prestroke in my Summers; but I do think about the last time I hiked at midnight along a ridge and sat on the grass and breathed in those colors that defy paint or cameras, as you can't capture the essence and trill of our ancestry witnessing the events of the sky.


I'm into audio books lately and finished my run of the incomparable Margret Atwood and her absolute succinct prose in expressing the truth in human nature and experience. *tips hat* Tonight, I've started listening to 'Gimp by Mark Zupan http://en.wikipedia...._Zupan_(athlete) I'd seen his documentary prestroke and can now have, if not a more appreciative view, a more empathetic view. I was wowed by his accomplishments when I first saw him and now there is depth to my wow.

Half the people I talk to in the rehab gym are spine injuries and I'd like a better understanding of the conditions and the ability to ask inoffensive questions with some idea of the variances in damage.Nearly as interesting as stroke, nearly. : )


My eyes are getting fuzzy and there is only a creamsicle of color left in the sky. It must be time to be responsible and get some sleep.



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I love night skies. I still try to capture it on camera--knowing it won't, and still grumble when it doesn't!



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I guess I'm to stingy to buy a reader. I almost bought one at Penney's but put it down before I got to the checkout counter!

I'm the opposite of you at night I'm so tired from all the going I do daily until I go to sleep by the time my head hit the pillow! I feel like an instructor by working with the wounded warriors and it is tiring work but I love to do it for my fellow soldiers who lost much of their bodies for their country! I learn a lot from them and their kids and wives about living with a handicap person!

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Fred, I have a reader and haven't used it. Tech stuff is really difficult for me post stroke. I finally told my family to please not buy me anything I have to learn how to use. I've been listening to audio books because I can do other things while I listen. I read a lot prestroke and now books are difficult to concentrate on and uncomfortable to hold and turn pages; so I don't. The audio books are a way to have a version of what I love back in my life. Also, I'm always surprised how many common words I've mispronounced all of my life. Yesterday it was 'dour'. I always thought it rhymed with 'sour'. But no, it sounds like 'door'.Who knew!


If you want, check with your library for audio books, They're free and some libraries have availability for downloading the books from your home computer. Best deal ever, in my estimation.


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Jamie, at least a picture you took will bring back the feeling you had at that moment. Someone else's pictures don't do that for me. Skies and seas are my favorite memories. Life can't get any simpler or more content enjoying either.


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