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i feel like i am consumed with the sadness during son's upcoming divorce. grandaughters are very unhappy with dad not living with them. he misses his family terribly but situation was not a good environment for girls, so he moved out;

because he works out of town and wouldn't be able to get girls to bed on bus or sitter. this may come back to bite(she's already changed locks) him. if he had 9-5 job he wouldn't have left. for now he lives in his brothers house, scott's,on weekends when he's back in town. we are his backup for getting girls on thurs. if he can't make it back in time.he has girls thurs. night, fri, sat and sunday until 5. they are upset to see us if we have to pick them up because they want dad. this week scott moved to va .after getting a new job which is paying double. it's a gamble because it's 3 mos. to 3 yr. assignment but he'll get a lot of experience and doesn't have family ties such as children and now is the time for him to take the chance.

we spent this weekend helping scott to get things together for him to move.and watching girls, fortunately we kept our old sofa stored in neighbors garage for todd, since scott took his furniture with him.

i ramble.

.trying not to get too crazy but with daughter-in-law dating paul and girls asking dad if he'll still be their dad if mom marries paul it's difficult.


you should be .thankful now that i haven't been blogging for a while. i'm living in a soap opera. my sisters,

niece and i are taking a break from the 16th to 20th going to maine. i'm looking forward to some book reading and less drama. i hope it will be a little warm. the summer seems to have flown by even thouh it was a hot one..

i'm trying to walk at home without walkaide and brace but won't take the chance, going places, without them, ankle not strong enough .football season is starting soon so i'm looking forward to that.

i'll leave for now and will try to keep blogging wiuth complaints kept to a minimum .no promises.blessings lynn


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Lynn, it is your blog and feel free to express yourself however you want to. We too are in the early stages of a son who is divorcing. His little boys seem okay with it but his ten year old daughter is suffering and distancing herself from family activities. She is a lovely bouncy girl ordinarily so it is sad to see.


Just take things easy, help to get their ducks in a row but limit what you do, it is a hard enough life you live without taking on the troubles of the whole world. Our grown up kids have to see what is happening as having consequences and learn through the experience if they can.


Nice to have you blogging again.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Do what you gotta do we will be here when you return, where else are we going???? Hurry back!!


When I read the word divorce I skipped that part, I have had three of them but no locks changed, heck I left the whole house while my clothes were burning in the fireplace!! But now I got a wife and a home not just a house and it only took a stroke and four tries!!!!

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thanks guys for encouraging words i figure i survived the teenage yrs with the 3 boys. i survived a stroke. i'll survive this. i'll show them how stoic and hearty the irish can be.

.true story- my niece researched our ancestry and i actually had a relative on the mayflower. he's the one who fell off the boat and had to be rescued you'll read it in any mayflower book.but he survived lol .have to have that sense of humor.i feel like i've kissed the blarney stone sometimes when i get talking so that i'm older i wish i could ask the relatives their stories. i didn't care about it when i was younger. too involved with what i was doing. nothing important looking back.guess we all live and learn and so will my's just difficult watching them go through it. wishing you all happiness and blessings lynn

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