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babble cause I just need too.



So today I decide to start the day following people advice. I started with talking to my 9 year old again about everything that is going on with me. This woke me up to the fact that my little man gets really emotional over it and really worries. SO we watched the video so that way he knew the warning signs and reviewed what he needed to do. I realized to he needed someone to talk to other then Dad and I. SO I asked him about it. He said he did not want to talk to anyone around here cause they all gossip and nothing you say to anyone including doctors and phyics. stay in their office. He said he wished there was a group like I found.


Then I decided to listen and start a jurnal of my aches and pains keeping note of what I am feeling physically and mentally. Even though I hate it and feeling that it is a sign of me being weak. But it helped me to see that I really do hide alot when I should be telling it just today alone it was four pages long of different "epsiodes" as I call it. from crying to thinking I am doing something when I am not. 9 I thinking I am going nuts).


Then there was the text from two of my oldest and best friends that are several states away. Wishing they were closer because I know if they were I would not be trapped in the house and feeling like I am in a box.


Then there is Rose she is a fellow consultant, after I was told I could not work now more I refused to listen and decided I would not let it all rest on my husband so I tried to find a home business I knew I could do. However now I see even that is harder when you can't drive to do shows or fubble with your speech. But she tells me I am her drive because she says she sees me doing it with all my challenges that I face daily and says there is no reason she can't do her business and when she hears other consultants getting negative she tells them look if she can do it you can to and she can't leave her house for the most part and has only her husbands support. I don't bring in but a few dollars not enough to write home about but it something to do. This month I wanted to quit throw in the towel after just a few months but of course between Rose and the husband I don't think it will happen. I guess one show a month is better then nothing. One penny earned is better then none.


Sometime I wake up just hoping that this is all just a bad dream and that I get to jump on my motorcycle and head into work. People Laugh when I tell them I really miss work. I done security and worked correction for many years and finally a year ago started working the Juvenile side of it and just love it. To be able to hopefully make a change in a young persons views and change the path they are headed makes it all worth it some take that opportunity others don't. I know going back to work for me is not safe but that is where i want to be. I even put in to mentor once a week which I am approved to do once my husband says I can and the juvenile that was chosen decides he is going to act better. Cause the deal is it wont happen as long as there are behaviors cause safety is first.


I guess my babbling is done thanks for letting me air a bit I don't get to often.


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hey - my dear, that is what we are here for !! and i also loved my job - i worked at our jail for almost 20 years-- it is the only thing i know..but it is what it is.......nancyl

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hi harris :


welcome to therupetic world of blogging. I suffered atroke at age 34 which retired me from the job I loved & made me depressed till I realised how my depression made my loved ones suffer specially my then 7 year old son to act out at home. that itself woke me up & I decided to pick up pieces of my life & do my job as mother & wife to best of my ability. I feel our family deserves that for decided to ride this life's journey with us. I quickly learnt hapiness is a state of mind & my choice which I have control over, if negative thoughts are getting me down then I better choose better thoughts. Just with this small shift in thinking my post stroke life has become so much better. Today after 8+ years on this stroke journey I view my stroke as just speed bump in my life's journey it made me slow down & enjoy the scenary along the way. hope you use all the tools this site has to offer like blogging & chatting with other survivors to find your new normal again.


Asha(now 42 year old survivor)

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You go on and babble any time you feel like it!! I learned from Asha just how therapeutic blogging or keeping a journal can be. I don't do it frequently enough; reading what I had written years ago though helps me realize just how far I've come.



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Sometimes I feel we just have to get it out and not let it build up inside us so you got members here that will listen and make a comment so take care and blog anytime you feel the urge to speak out!!

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Thanks for joining our Blog Community and I hope you will find blogging therapeutic as so many do here.


We are here to support you on your journey. Well done on your first blog.



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