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Tears for Tootie



For those of you that don't know, Tootie spent 8 days in the hospital last week. The CT Scan and MRI confirmed she had 2 more strokes.


Last Wednesday, Tootie's hematologist came into our IMU Room. She had "that look" I saw almost 9 years ago. She sat down and said, I am really sad, this is really sad. We can't figure out why Tootie is having strokes. We think she may have a rare condition where her body is just prone to having strokes, and if we can't figure out why, then this will most likely keep happening until it can't happen anymore.



She said Tootie has a purpose in this life, I don't want you to worry and live in fear, I just want you to enjoy every day you have with her.


She said the life expectancy for a child like Tootie isn't very long; that sometimes we have to make decisions, very hard decisions; sometimes we have to think about quality of life and know when it's time to stop the surgeries etc.


She put Tootie on aspirin and said she's hoping it will help; that some children who take aspirin never have another stroke and some do and if Tootie does, then you're looking at bleeding in her brain and that presents a whole other problem.


She then told us sometimes the best thing to do is to take your child home and enjoy them while you can.


At that moment my heart really hurt. In the back of my mind, I've always known Tootie could have another stroke.


I feel like it's Déjà vu. On 9 November 2003, Tootie had 2 strokes but was still able to walk and talk. 3 weeks later, she had another massive stroke which left her blind, unable to speak, walk, urinate, or eat.


Tootie is about to celebrate her 9 year post-stroke anniversary. I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't worried. But, I know my God has a plan for Tootie. I know she is His because we dedicated her to Our Lord shortly after we were told she had 3 strokes.


Back then the doctors told us she wouldn't be able to do anything, boy were they wrong!


So once again, I'm believing if it's His will, Tootie will recover, to her previous baseline, from these strokes as well.


I will not live in fear and will strive to maintain some normalcy.


Thanks for listening <3




IMU - Intermediate Care (a step down from ICU)


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Guest hostwill


I too, will keep you in my prayers. May the Lord bring you comfort in the days ahead.



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Thank you all for your prayers and kind words.


Today is Buggie's 9 year post-stroke(s) anniversary!


Despite the fact that Buggie has had 5 strokes, 2 major brain surgeries, and lives with epilepsy; she still manages to smile.


In her short life Buggie has faced many battles with courage, she is a true warrior; she humbles me.


Happy Anniversary Buggie, grandma loves you.

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yolie, i am really sad to hear this. your tootie has been through so much as her family has too. bless her little heart. god knows his plans for her and hopefully those plans will keep her safe and with her family for a long time to come. she has been an inspiration to me for what she has been able to accomplish with her small body, and young age. she has a great family behind her enouraging her all the way. i have tootie and her family always in my thoughts and prayers. god bless.

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Sometimes I'm off the board for awhile and miss things and I just found this post by you. Wow, she has survived so much. I think we all are hurting where you hurt when we read this story about all she is going thru. My heart breaks, also, for all of you. Tootie will always be in my prayers, and you too.

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