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Caydens homeschooling adventure



It has been a few weeks now that we have started homeschooling Cayden and it is really fun!!!!! I believe he goes on more field trips than all the schools put together. In fact he goes on another field trip to Alabama next week. He is finished with one school text book already and he only has 3 1/2 to go before 180 days and he is already almost finished with another one. In fact I have to go out and buy more books to keep him occupied for the next few months. He is too smart for my own good.....LOL.

Him and I are finally having fun since he started school in 2008.....Can ya tell the year? Yes my boy has been in school since he was 17 mos old and HE IS SICK OF IT.....NOW ITS TIME FOR THE FUN school. I am teaching him more than what he would learn in the school system and he can work with less clothes on to keep his body regulated. He has had no more high fevers since he has started homeschooling.

THANK YOU everyone who has supported me in this lil adventure with my precious boy. I really appreciate the nice words.


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Dyan :


I am so happy for you both, hope you are teaching him Maths too, BTW what I found out for my son to excel in maths, I made sure he knew his tables 1 to 10. practice makes Maths easy & perfect. practicing those tables made him strong in maths & since then Maths has been his favorite subject.





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That's great news and I'm happy for him and you as you have given a lot of time, love and consideration for his education and that starts when we are youngsters!!! You have my very best wishes for more success!!!!!

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Yes Asha I am teaching him Math. He is adding and subtracting and soon will be doing fractions. He can add and subract to ten right now. I want to wait a little while before I do adding and subtracting double digits. He loves math and he is also doing language arts. He even can write a story and we are learning verbs and others that even higher grades are doing right now.

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Dyan: wonderful news and I am so happy Cayden is taking to it all. Sometimes, honey, you just have to go with your gut, stick to your guns. Who knows their son better than his parents? This is a major responsibility and you both stepped up as to what was best for Cayden. Yahoo - you all are reaping the benefits, especially Cayden. Debbie

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