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Time passes too quickly



I can't believe that it's almost December, where has the year gone? It seems as if I just got the Christmas tree boxed up and stored in the basement and yet it's time to get it out again. The retailers moved straight from Halloween to Christmas and I just can't seem to get into a holiday mood. Maybe it's the weather. It's been much warmer than normal in central Indiana. I'm not complaining, I could take 50° to 70° temps year round.


I had foot surgery a week ago and I'm just now hobbling aound with a walking cast and able to help Dan transfer. God bless Jeff (Dan's caregiver)! I could not have managed the last week without him. He stayed overnight three nights and stayed until Dan was in bed the next six days. Of course, I may have to take out a second mortgage to pay him, LOL!! He's well worth it. In addition to taking care of both of us he does laundry, cooks, vacuums, on and on. God love him! We both love him.


Dan still has on-going issues from his ulcerative and ileostomy. He had a flex sig done on Friday and the doctor has told him in no uncertain terms that he needs to have his rectum removed. Dan's been saying no to this surgery for quite some time. The GI doc is having all of his records sent to the surgeon who did his ileostomy and will setup an appointment asap. The doc said it isn't an emergency but needs to be done. My opinion is that the sooner the better.


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Oh i am so sorry about al the health hurdles you guys are having--- my dan has had his own but not as severe as what your dan is going through.... and i hope your foot gets better.. and luckily you do have good help --- even whan it costs at least he is helping you ..nancyl

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I am sorry about what is happening to Dan, these decisions are so hard to make. I hope you find the surgeon sympathetic and someone he can relate to, who can explain things in a way he understands and can agree to. Not easy. If the doctor is willing he might put you in touch with someone who has had the surgery successfully and can encourage Dan to have it.


The holidays are great when you feel physically and emotionally well. I am struggling to see the JOY but I will, I am determined to.



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Mary Jo: so sorry about Dan. I hope your Thanksgiving was fun and full of great food and yes, those caregivers wh we finally find, who are with us 100% are certainly worth it. My girls are already figuring out what has to be done, here in the house next two weeks - LOL. Gotta love them and yes, worth every penny we pay them.


Please do keep us up to date as to Dan and what you all decide. I pray you have a compassionate and concerned surgeon that can walk you both through this decision and make you comfortable making it. Praying for both of you, Debbie

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All I can say is Ouch!! That's an operation no one wants!! I had hemorrhoid operation while in the Army and that was too much for me and never again!!

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