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Me enjoying Christmas in England, those were the days



So this year is coming to an end. I was speaking to my friend, is it we getting older, that the time seems to be going to fast.


My friend is also from England like me , we have been friends for over 30years,we grew up together. We able to talk about the "old days". We remember when you got one toy, and a coat, dress and church shoes. We were so graful that we got something. Every family in the neighbourhood worked hard, and there was a little money for gifts, so we got clothes which was always needed.


Our tree was always a real one, dad loved the smell, and we made things to go on the tree We loved the snow and wonder how Santa manage in the snow, most houses had a chimmy, so we leave milk and cookies for him, one year, I hearded a sound and hiding by the stairs, watched my dad putting presents around the tree, I kept saying, "dad is Santa?" what a bummer!


My friends dad and my Mom worked at "Lyons", a bakery that supplyed wonderful cakes and breads to the big stores in London. Every holiday, they gave a big party for the kids. Lots of food ,and they put on Pantamines, which were shows like Disney storys,

such good fun, and everyone went home with a present.

Then my dad who worked for "Hoover", they have coaches that picked up the empolyees kids, take them to a big building outside London, another big party, gifts and good fun, those were the day


In the city of London, the big stores would have they shop windows looking like a wonder land, it was a sight to behold. Christmas eve, you went to church, also christmas caroling was very popluar. So christmas was with family, then boxing day (the day after christmas day) was a day to go and vist with friends, and the stores were closed. The stores in England closed at Christmas Eve 5.30 pm you forgot some thing , oh well, you have to do without, the employees wanted to be with they family.



We also haded christmas crackers, which was a large paper cracker, two people would have a end to pull and a hat and a plastice toy be inside. When it was pulled, they be a "bang".


The food was turkey, roast pototoes, yorkshire pudding, and a Xmas pudding with a "penny inside". and custard. Good eating!


I hope you enjoy reading this as I enjoyed writing it. My grand kids love when I tell them about "England".


Merry Christmas everyone, be safe, enjoy your family and the time together. God bless




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thanks for sharing your childhood memories, reminded me of mine sharing all holidays with family, didn't have lot of "things" but had lot of love for our family & that's what matters who cares about gift they get old pretty quick but those fond memories stay forever.



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Yvonne: you have a goal. You are going back next year! And you work towards that every day!


I have a great story for you. My first husband's family was from Wales. My father-in-law insisted on an "English" Christmas. For years Jeff and I did both homes, then it got to be too much. We had a huge home and Christmas was to be at our house.


My mother-in-law helped me prep the English side. She supplied all the recipes, told me how Dad insisted they be served. And of course, came early to help out. She and I worked on how the courses would be served and intermingled. And we put a list in the kitchen as to the order.


But in walks my Dad. Nothing like a hard-headed Italian in the mix. He started the sauce for the pasta course while mom-in-law and I worked on the roast and Yorkshire. Next thing you know - five Italians in the kitchen dipping the Yorkshire pudding in sauce! I was appalled! And in walks my father-in-law: blasphemy! LOL. But we had great laughs.


We managed to incorporate both traditions for one more year. Of course, I still do all of Daddy's traditions, but also have a roast and Yorkshire for my father-in-law. My darling Bruce understands all of this. Loves the food, enjoys the stories.


No one can take any of this away from us. We treasure and protect all those special memories. And how lucky we are to have them. Merry Christmas honey. I will think of you while serving the pudding tomorrow (Bruce does not care for it, but always takes a few bites - LOL) Debbie

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BTW, my daughter's middle name is spelled Yuvonne my then wife got from a lady in England in 1963 or4 on our last visit there and back home to Germany before we were packed up and ready to return state side!!!


I read today where Piers Morgan is being partitioned by signatures to return to England by deportation because of his stand on gun control in the US!!! I guess he Pi**ed somebody off for that to get started!!!!


I will hate to see you leave us but you can still keep in touch with stroke net!!

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my dad used to tell me when he was a kid in massachusets they didn't put up tree till christmass eve then when he was a kid it was magical seeing the tree christmass morning .

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