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another big event, but not a stroke



This event happened Jan 14 2013


Ed has really been stressing about getting the building finished. Seems impossible to get an electrician out to get it done. Eddie is talking non stop about it. He Is explaining to me every detail of how it should be done. Sigh… This morning OEC is supposed to come out to put in a new box for it. The weather is really cold and I am putting on a nice pot of stew but am out of a couple of items I need for it. Eddie said he was going to take a shower so I asked If he wants me to wait until he is finished. He said no its not necessary, so I started getting ready to go. I went to our bedroom to tell him I was leaving and found him laying on the bed. I asked whats going on here. He said he is really dizzy and so I laid down by him and he tried to sit up but was weaving all over the place so I told him to just lay still for a bit. Then he became very quiet…and his face turned deep red. I realize he is not breathing so I yelled at him (Are you ok? Breathe Eddie Breathe) nothing, so I knew I had to do something, I gave him about 3 breaths then called 911. They are on the way but he is still not breathing. He seemed to be almost snoring but I have been with a few people at the last breath and I know what the death breath sounds like and this is how he sounded to me. so I gave him a few more breaths then ran to the front door to unlock and open it for the emergency crew then ran back to him and gave him a few more breaths. A couple of times he was gurgling some and I hoped I was not forcing fluid into his lungs but the thought came to me that the important thing was to get air in his lungs and anything else could be taken care of at the hospital. I kept this up until they arrived. I heard them open the door and yell, Hello? Emergency Responders! I called to them and they had no problem finding us in the bedroom. I quickly told them what had happened and First thing they said was lets get him onto a hard surface, then they lifted him from the bed to the floor. I was pulled aside by a first responder to give them space to work. I had things to do anyway like get his medical list which was in his wallet over the head board. That would have to wait, but I knew I couldn’t so I went to the computer to print out a new copy. The first responder stayed with me and said this is good because it gives me something to do. After I got it printed and in his hands we moved some furniture out of the way to get the gurney in and out of the house, then I grabbed a few things I knew I would need at the hospital. Cell phone, blue tooth and chargers for them. Computer shoes socks and a coat. Then I started closing the blinds, The first responder guy asked how he could help me. I ask him if he could make sure my 15 year old deaf and blind cocker spaniel got out to go potty before we leave. And he did. I continued gathering a few things like house keys my RX meds. I never did get back to the bedroom to get Eds wallet but it was ok because I had printed out the med list. Locked the front door and asked if I could ride in the ambulance with him. The driver said I could but would have to stay really cool and calm. I told him I would be fine, I have had experience like this before and I am good in a crisis. It turned out to be good I was there, they had some questions for me such as, what kind of abdominal surgery he had had and when. And other questions about his medical history.


We would not be going to the heart hospital. He was too critical for the distance. We were headed for Norman HealthPlex. Then the driver was diverted to another hospital. He called the dispatcher back and explained the situation with this patient and how he needed to be sent to a hospital with cardio facilities. They agreed and we were on our way to the HealthPlex. I quickly called my daughters cell phone and told her that her dad had stoped breathing and are in an ambulance on our way to the Norman Health Plex. She is on her way to. From the back of the ambulance I hear, “he is breathing” then “he is trying to talk to us a little bit” That was really good news to me. I opened my I phone and called my church then opened face book. Typed in this simple message…friends. We need prayer . Ed is in cardio arrest. On our way to hospital in ambulance. Its always best to have a good prayer cover and I have a lot of praying friends. A friend in our neighborhood lives at the entrance to the addition heard the sirens and immediately went to prayer for Eddie. She had heard about the health issues he has and always does pray when an ambulance goes by but this time, she just knew to pray for him. Praise the Lord. Miracle after Miracle. We arrived at the hospital. While they were working on Eddie my daughter called to say she was on her way and her husband was at the hospital. He found me shortly after that. He has some medical knowledge and realy helps to have him there. She arrived soon after. I was told they had to Shock Eddie four times and do compressions in the ambulance. But he is alive. He is having short term memory problems. He keeps asking the same few questions over and over. Where are we. How did we get here. Did the ambulance go code 3 with lights and sirens? You mean I missed that? And there is the other question. Is this real or is it a dream? About every 5 minutes the questions started again. By that evening he was only asking them about every half hour. After about 3 hours in the ER he was transferred to Cardiac ICU.

Everything has been uneventful, Thank the Good Lord! He has had a lot of pain from the CPR but Xray showed no broken ribs. That’s a very good thing. Wednesday evening he graduated out of ICU to a regular hospital room. Today, Thursday, he is scheduled to have surgery to install the pacemaker/De Fibulator device. So we wont go through this again. If he has another episode, the device will keep it from getting that serious. Ed says God just isn’t finished with him yet. He has 5 grand children to make sure they are raised right. We love them all so much.



Today is Feb 1. We have been home a week. He is doing well. Has to wear a strap to remind him not to raise that arm. It could pull the leads out of his heart. not good. Now that the big stuff is over, its my turn. Im a mess. Im so good in an emergency, and i get so focused. Then I crash. And it is hitting me. Im doing a little better now. I am remembering most peoples names now. two days ago i spent the day trying to remember my cousins name. even when i came up with the name, It did not seem like her name. I heard someone at church call out a name of a person going by, It sounded like a name i should know, so i asked the lady next to me, she laughed and said, that is your Pastor. well... need to give myself a break. I had a doctor visit today and she told me to give myself some time. This is all my reaction to what happened. There are more things than this going on but i will spare you my insanity. Hope its over soon.


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I'm glad to read Ed is going to be OK like he said God isn't ready for him just yet. Well, you got through all of it in fine shape but don't forget to make the run to get the item you were leaving out to get when all this happened!


Sometimes life seems a bit difficult but we never give up. Just yesterday I had my steroid injection in my back but when they took vital signs my heart beat was down real low like 33 when 66 is slow enough. Well to the ER they took me and they couldn't find anything so off to the heart doctor everything still no results so he ordered a heart monitor I should get by Monday to wear for three days.


I had been needing the injection for awhile but with the meningitis scare they held off until yesterday. It still concerns me this it the second time it has happened but today my back is so much better yes indeed!


Tell Ed we are praying on this end too I know prayers work.

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Babs, you have been through a harrowing time and I am glad it all finished well with Eddie back home with you. It is normal for the caregiver to have a mini breakdown as the patient gets better. We use up all our adrenalin on the crisis and afterwards it is like a world without caffeine, and you don't want to go there for long.


You have been a good caregiver to Eddie, and despite the fact that he probably doesn't think of you that way I am sure he is grateful for the sacrifices you make on his behalf. So relax and take some deep breaths and think about a happy future together for the two of you. Maybe plan some nice trips for summer, even if they don't happen you will enjoy daydreaming about them.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Sue, I know you are right. I am really tired of this reaction. Wouldnt it be better for me to hold it together for a day then fall apart, instead of holding it together for couple of weeks then do this. I am worthless like this. But you are right. I Love You Sue. Hang in there your self. You are the one that shows us how to hang there for the long term. I have looked up to you for these years and I pray for you. :-)


Babs, you have been through a harrowing time and I am glad it all finished well with Eddie back home with you. It is normal for the caregiver to have a mini breakdown as the patient gets better. We use up all our adrenalin on the crisis and afterwards it is like a world without caffeine, and you don't want to go there for long.You have been a good caregiver to Eddie, and despite the fact that he probably doesn't think of you that way I am sure he is grateful for the sacrifices you make on his behalf. So relax and take some deep breaths and think about a happy future together for the two of you. Maybe plan some nice trips for summer, even if they don't happen you will enjoy daydreaming about them.(((hugs))) from Sue.
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So please that Eddie is doing well. What you went throught it is okay , to lose it, you need to rest. What Sue said to do is a wonderful idea. I do alot of "wish thinking". Have a great time, no one can take away my dreams and wishes.


God bless



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Babz :


I am so happy that Eddie is doing well & back home with you. I love Sue's great advice. hope you feel better both have been through wringer for sure, enjoy your NOW easy said than done.



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