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You Can't Get There From Here



It seems that way sometimes but as I've said before all the things I thought I knew I'm learning again. I love to learn. I just don't like the situations I find myself in that make learning necessary. Learning just for fun is more, well,!


I was told emphatically a long time ago that basically, "You can't Get There From Here". It looked like they might be right. Everyone gave up on me and started making plans for me to be able to live "more comfortably" where I was, because while where I was wasn't anyplace I wanted to be and I wanted more, I couldn't get there from here. And I didn't but I didn't stay there either. Maybe I didn't get there from "here" but maybe I could get there from over there. If not I was no worse off.


I learned making one change can change the view enough that one more change might be the way out of wherever you are. Well, I never got "there" really. You know, that idealistic "there" where everything is right and easy and perfect but by not giving up, I'm here and here really isn't so bad. Definitely a whole lot better than back there.


It seemed after stroke I ran straight into one brick wall after another whenever I tried to get somewhere. After several exasperated sighs (and some creative and colorful language) I had almost convinced myself that I couldn't get there from here, and just accept that I was stuck where I am forever.


It's funny how bricks work better if they fall on your head rather than if you bang your head into them. No! I'll think about that later! :hairy:


So, I've been elated since finding and enrolling in the County Ride program. This morning my father was quick to outline for me all the reasons it wouldn't work. So I started thinking again and made a few more calls and now it works again! Yes, this was a small bump in the road but to me could have been big but it was a reminder that you CAN get there from here if you just move a little to the left or right. Don't stand still.


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I love your posts. You are so right, not to stand still, and move a little to the left or right. I do not drive, and a neighbour told me about a group that meets every day, and have a bus that provides transportation. So I applyed, and at frist was told yes, I be on the list to be picked up. That morning, I got up bright and early. Got dressed, eat, look good, smell great, I was waiting for the bus, like it was my first date. After an hour I got on the phone, asking were my date was. No one answer the phone. Next day, was told by the officer leader, that I was too young to be consider for the bus. I felt my head was hit by a ton of bricks. So, this last time I was in the hosptial, I explain to the social worker, now every other day, the Coucil of the age call telling meget the doctor to signs a paper, they send me transportation ! Dont let negtive people stop you.



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Maybe that same consensus is why I'm happy as a survivor and didn't loose my wife plus my recovery started to take form early on with a bit more out patient therapy and the fact I had made up my mind I would not give up, give in nor give out no matter my energy level.


I think when your mind is set on where you want to go you can find a way to make the trip. I firmly believe that and so far I got no complaints as a survivor not even that I can't walk good or fast but I'm moving on down the road long as my strength holds out at my age, thank God!!!


I think and feel "I can now get there from here", patience my child Rome wasn't built in a day. We all know God rested and he created so much!!

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I think you are in the drivers seat now! As for the bricks, maybe skip them. If i had my choice ( and I have a hard head : ) I would have to pick banging my head against the brick. I would have a better chance busting through the wall.

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