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I won't sleep much tonight. It is 8:45 pm and the winds have started really kicking up. It has been snowing since 7:45 am - steady all day and we have about 9 inches on the ground. Peak storm time is now until about 2 am. And I just pray for no power loss. I am thinking of Colleen - Stingray67 - on Long Island. They are getting pounded. Long Island is part of New York, but sits right off the Connecticut shoreline, so they are kind of a storm breaker for most of the Connecticut shoreline.


Right before Bruce was diagnosed with some new issues, we were working on cleaning out projects here. I was in an upswing. I get discouraged, disappointed or just the sorrow kicks in. I take some time off and then get going again. Bruce has a wonderful fringed suede jacket from his Rock and Roll days that he promised to a friend. She recently got engaged and it is time to pass it on - so off to the cleaners. His Dad was a Pinkerton guard, so working on donating Dad's Pinkerton stuff. Clothing donations. Little stuff. Gets us out and about and we move forward towards accepting what stroke has given us. Carl is moving into a new apartment and can use some of the furniture that is stored in the attic. And am catagorizing Bruce's musical equipment. His best friend is going to be looking into that for us.


Obviously the new medical issues with Bruce and Kira's medical issues, the projects have slowed. But am sitting here tonight with my post its and reworking my lists. That is definitely a plus. I get lists taped up with half the stuff crossed off, forget to read what is left on them. Also it will relieve some of the stress of the overnight. Almost like New Years Resolutions. When the bathroom was redone, we got new fixtures, of course. The towel holder fell off a bit back and needs a new little screw. This is the sink Bruce uses all the time. So again, if it is not on the list, I notice it but usually when getting Bruce dressed and me trying to get off to work. Things like that, get it added to the list.


Like most of us caregivers, I always have an eye to the weather - especially in New England in winter. We got out last weekend-weather was relatively warm. But it turned colder and with the storm predicted, I knew Bruce had to get out. Thursday I developed a migraine at work. I lose vision for an hour or so, then the headache. With me it is not light, it is noise. I am in an office with 4 other people on a normal day. Thursday we also had two consultants and the dietitian. I could not deal with much when I got home. After Bruce's lunch and nap, I fell asleep on the couch. Carl came about 5pm and asked "did you sleep there all day?" We had a great laugh about that. So Friday I had to get Bruce out. We picked up some Diabetic supplies. We did not need anything really, but Bruce loves the grocery store, so after errands, we headed there. I think every woman in town sent her husband to pick up supplies - LOL. And every guy there had a snow shovel in his cart. LOL. This is also when Bruce and I would have gone out for an early dinner - but that has been put on a back burner until we get this Diabetes under control and are comfortable with the meals. We are getting there.


I am a bit sad in that throughout our conversations, Bruce said to me "you have to do this or I will croak." I have been so upbeat about this. I vent here and take my time outs when needed. But he senses it and also he is afraid. I explained at length to him today about how lucky we were. All issues were found early and dealt with. There were no 911s, no seizures. I explained that he could have had a hospital stay and been back in a SNF, so it was truly a blessing.


Tomorrow he is going to be in the kitchen: Blueberry muffins and pancakes. Bruce's Mom was a wonderful baker and she used that when she was diagnosed with Diabetes. I am not a baker. Even two year olds and dogs won't eat my cookies - LOL. So we have a morning planned with Bruce supervising Ethel learning to bake. Our snow removal team called this morning and I advised that we were not a priority so also have showers on board and some menu planning for the week. Even if we are plowed out I won't risk taking Bruce down the ramp unless it is totally cleared.


So there is a positive to this weather - really it is beautiful to watch. I remember the days pre-stroke, when both of us would just get out and take care of it, but being able to just sit with some hot tea and enjoy the true beauty of Mother Nature. And I do so miss that. Another thing that stroke takes from us.


It is funny - Bruce asleep in bed, Kira asleep next to me. Both so sure I have this under control! Debbie


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You do have it under control Debbie, as much as anyone can control life. You give it your best shot and then say a prayer that it will come out OK. I just used our snowblower for the first time and it should have been a breeze, but right now it is more sleet than snow. Since it's a nor'easter you are way ahead of us; our storm really started late morning and will continue until 1PM tomorrow. I sure hope it turns to snow soon, I will be aching tomorrow from the few inches I took care of, it was as heavy as cement. But gotta keep the driveway clean in case of emergencies!


You know, you only live probably 20 minutes from us, as the crow flies. But the LI Sound does act as a buffer, you're lucky to be inland. We aren't near the ocean ourselves, but most of the terrible stories you hear are people who have to be right on the water. Tonight I went upstairs for a few minutes and while I was gone, Ray got some logs out of the pile I brought in and set up a fire, all I had to do was light it. This is one of the very few things he's done lately that is something he used to love, maybe there is hope that someday he will again listen to his monster stereo in the basement or try taking photos with the Nikon. He's been cranky and sort of depressed lately, but this was a major positive thing that I was giving up on ever seeing, I heard him doing something but never dreamed he was setting up the whole deal. I am only this minute really sitting back in wonder at it all. Sweet dreams!

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Thinking of both of you and I will hold all those in the path of the storm in prayer this weekend. I think I'd be most worried about power loss as well. Other things you can prepare for--except for medical emergencies. Oh the fun of being the sole responsible party, eh? Stay safe everyone. ~~Donna

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Debbbie, you are in control as much as it is possible to be. We caregivers always wait for the joker to come out of the pack. With the new challenges Bruce has, Kira's health, the weather, the carers lives and changes to your routine you cope as best you can. You do allow yourself some down time, I know that, but do it consciously by adding it into your schedule. Put a post-it note on Saturday afternoon - TIME OFF FOR DEBBIE.


Sorry about the stormy weather, we've had some thunderstroms though it was mild and sunny today and isn't that wonderful for weekend weather?Praying for everyone in the path of the storms. Not sure about those that have the coastal views and then complain about the coastal weather though, seems if you build your house upon the sand you are not as wise as you could be,



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The good thing about this storm it shouldn't last too long this time around since it's February already but again we never know just hope for the best. Stay safe don't take chances outside in the snow.

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I was concerned about you and Bruce. Too much snow and power outages. I am glad to hear that all is under control.


You do a wonderful job. Just be kind to yourself.



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