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St. Valentines Day A Yearly Event For Centuries



Valentines Day, is that a day to show your love for a partner, friend or the one you really love all year long??? Either way we tend to spend money for items we think and feel that special person would love to get from us but not necessarily need or want it's just a gift from our hearts. In many cases that person may mention in a conversation what they would love to have this Valentines Day from us. I think that's the best way to not purchase a gift that has to be returned. However it happens every year and will continue for a long time to come. It's been going for centuries already.


Gifts range from simply cards, fancy cards, clothes, shoes, live flowers or long stemmed roses and most of all Jewelry items like rings, watches, and necklaces. With the economy as it is lately money may become the first thing on the list for women, that way, they get to choose what they want exactly. My wife has always said just give me the money I know what I want and the last thing she would want are flowers in a vase she has to water. For me, she will get clothes or another suit I don't need in a color I don't like. When that happens I know she bought another dress or suit she didn't need either but tells me she really love it.


There it hangs in the closet until Easter and by that time she doesn't like it very much any more. However that's a gift from the love of her life that she purchased for Valentines Day.


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oh how true fred valentines day card is the biggest sale for cathe card industry with a close second is chocolate i to bought my wife a purdys chocolate and a valetines day card and as a family we all are going to see the harlem globetrotters playing in the rogers arena in vancover , that is a valentine for the whole family will remmber its all about loving the woman in your life and the love that just keep on giving

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Fred :


at our house we don't exchange any gifts for valentine's day. We both have different love laungage. I feel loved when I am appreciated, and show my love my apreciating what he does for us, his love language is act of service, he will do things for us & around the house without me even asking. we both buy things when we need it, so no pressure there. enjoy your valentine's day with your family.




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Asha, that's all great but I'm now with wife number 4 and trust me all wives and women are different in so many ways so you situation I had one time too and it was good but I just love going out and purchase a gift for this wife I think she appreciates that so much coming from me, the forgetful one. I even forget our wedding anniversary every year and this year will make 15 in June. You know the short term memory thing stroke survivors lose?


Lenny, the Globe Trotters are coming to Baylor University soon but the tickets are a bit pricey for me to attend on my scooter and may not have a section for me to park and watch the action while sitting on it. This is a basketball town so it will be crowded for sure. The Baylor men and women teams are up in the rankings this season so far and the women are past national champions so they draw a big crowd. I bet that's why the Globetrotters are playing in their arena to have a big draw of people.

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Wishing all of you a very Happy Valentine Day Today, 14 February 2013! My wonderful wife gave me a truly wonderful card this morning before she left for work. It Says:


Sometimes in the middle of our busy lives, I catch myself in a quiet moment, like when I wake up in the morning or drift off to sleep at night, thinking again...


I'm so glad you're the one

God put next to me...

We're good friends, strong partners,

and we managed to stay in love too.


I know this day and age

that's rare. A gift.

One I never want

to take for granted...Inside it says:


You are a man I respect,

My Husband.

And I'm a blessed woman

to be your wife.


Even if I don't say those things all the time....

in my heart they are always true.


Happy Valentine's Day


Love always UR

Wife, Marion!!


Now you see why I love that woman!!! The scripture reads, this is my beloved, and this is my friend! found in

Song Of Solomon chap 5 vs 16 of the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

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