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More Bad News!



Ok so one of these days, and I hope it is in the very near future, I am going to be able to post some good news. For now I will just fill you in on what has happened to my family yet again! As most of you know I lost my Mom in February, my Dad in May and now my sister in law and on the 3rd anniversary of my brothers death! She was not the spouse of my brother that has passed but the spouse of my brother who just lost his daughter last May. He has really been through it and I am hurting but nothing like him. So everyone please keep him in your prayers! Just a summary of the last three years of my life: July 19 2011 lost my oldest brother to cancer, May 5, 2012 Mike had his stroke, May 8, 2013 my niece died, February 8,2014 my mother died, May 18 2014, my Dad died and July 19,2014 my sister in law. Just don't know what to say after that!


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Cindy: honey, one day at a time. Please do find some time to grieve. It is so important. When you get hit with the one-two, it is so hard to pull yourself up. But for Mike and you, it has to be done.


Please take some time off for Cindy. I know Mike is easy but you want to be with him. For right now, you need some time on your own to sort through where you are at, what you are feeling.


Whatever works, I know Mike will be on board - so if it is walking, sitting outside with a coffee, gardening, window shopping - allow yourself that time, please.


Check in. Thinking and praying for you. Debbie

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I think we may be in the part of our lives where we just keep losing things. It sure doesn't help to know that. Hope you can get a break from this frequent pattern, so hard to stand up under one bad thing after another. Prayers coming your way.

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I am so sorry - there isn't much more to say - since there is no control over death --- except think of you … nancyl

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Take time to grieve. It is appropriate to farewell each of our loved ones, to spend time remembering the good times, to join in with other family members in mourning. I know it is also very hard as a caregiver to find that time. Find an empty space and give yourself over to the grief. It is an essential part of the healing process that is good for right now. Mike may not understand that you have to do this for your own good mental health so excuse yourself to Mike and tell him this is what you need to do.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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So sorry Cindy. You know we all pray for you here and support you. The advice above is good. Take it easy and my prayers to out to you as well.



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cindy, i am so sorry for your recent family tragedy. you have had to deal with so much in a short amount of time

please do make time for yourself as the others have told you. i'm sure mike will understand. so take a break. i have you and your family in my prayers.




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