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Our Summer is almost over :(



My daughter's start back to school on wednesday, so our Summer is officially over, bummer! I have to say despite my stroke we had a nice 2 months off. One of the reasons God left me behind--because of 2 underage children. We just have fun being together, God blessed me that way. Over the summer we went to public pools 4 or 5 times, a fair/carnival, drive inn, bowling, lots of fun things! My youngest will be 12 in October she has a couple of really good friends who live in our little town, seems like they were here a lot. Like we are feeding and watching over them so much--I think we should be able to claim them on taxes, LOL


My oldest daughter will be sweet 16 on August 4th. Time really does go by so fast, it seems like only a few years ago I was 16!


Seems like we have been at church a lot! I have really been enjoying it! One week was Vacation Bible School. We had a youth appreciation cook out, revival for 6 evenings in a row, Homecoming one Sunday a LOT of church time, but I think it has helped me so much. If nothing else, it has made us so busy, I haven't had a lot of time to sit around and feel sorry for myself.


Next month August 16th will be my 1 year stroke anniversary, I hear that is a milestone for stroke survivors! During the 1st year the percentage of having another stroke is 35%. That has been on my mind a lot. I am supposed to check into out patient therapy again starting in September. I will have to say I have slacked off so much with doing therapy at home. I have been up and moving a lot by going places, but not the same schedule every day and some of the same repetitions over and over.


Like 6 minute walks--I have not been consistent with those. I stretch and move my arm and leg a lot through out the day or they get real stiff and sore. Some of the reasons I am questioning going back to out patient therapy, the confrontation I had with a PT, I still do not have sensation on my arm or leg. That lack of sensation is going to make it difficult to improve in things. I am just doubting myself.


Talked to my family doctor about my subluxed shoulder, he said sometimes they just kind of go back into place, sometimes they stay subluxed and sometimes people have surgery to correct the problem. I told him it didn't hurt that much all of the time to do surgery. It only hurts with certain movements


With all of these negative things on my left side and thinking they will always be that way and never improve--why re-start therapy again--it isn't going to help.............guess I will wait and see.


I hate to complain--because there are so many other people who are worse off, but I hate this stroke and what it has done to my body.


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I'm glad you've had such a lovely summer with your girls! Hey, I thought summer lasted 3 months?


Well.... I hate to tell you this, but one reason people NEED to go back to therapy, is because they don't do it at home. Balls in your court! :)

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I don't suppose it will always be that way over time and with therapy sessions it should get stronger and better for you... I'm almost at ten years recovering and I have come a long way from where I was the first year!!! Your condition should improve greatly in a few years.


I don't know what effect the WC may have on you far as weakness is concern but either way therapy is needed several times a year during your recovery!!

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summer always flies -- but especially so when kids are involved and that precious time - that daily whatever the day brings - is so much fun to reflect back on ---- keep doing it - despite many setbacks ( and a stroke is a biggie) you are doing it !! great job ...

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Back to school all ready! Time does fly! Please that you had a good time with them.


Do think about going back to therapy, it does help, I feel that if I had therapy I would have made a quicker recovery. like you said you don't do what you need to do at home, going to therapy you will do what you need to.



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Tina: you did enjoy a wonderful summer. But now the little chickies are flying again and you have time to re-eval what is going on with you and your recovery.


Back to the walks and absolutely yes to any therapy that is paid for. As I just told Bruce on Wednesday (I retire on Friday) this is NOT party time. You are back on the treadmill Mister. With the passing of our beloved Kira, Bruce is top priority - how lucky is he? LOL


Time to get the new routine sketched out. Debbie

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Tina :


glad you had great summer with your girls. I think going back to therapy either at facility or at home is must so that your situation don't worsen.atleast it will only improve & you can enjoy many more summers with your daughters.



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