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Retirement - day one!



Never got out of my PJs - LOL.


Now this is genetic, on my Mom's side. So not as odd it as sounds. Mom and her sisters and sister-in-law had so many kids. Once you got the older kids out to school, the babies fed, bathed, changed and outside or napping; it was time for laundry and another round of changing until the big kids got home. It is pleasant thinking back. They all wore those pretty shifts with matching robes and thought nothing of loading up the car with children and driving to each other dressed like that! And for us cousins, the same applies. We go to a family reunion and it is probable that you will see a whole group of us in the parking lot with morning coffee and newpapers in our pjs, waiting to see what the game plan was for the day.


It was cold and rainy all day - predicted. And it is funny, because Bruce knows if I am not up and getting dressed while he is Estimming, it is to be a down day. Hasn't happened much over the past five years, but it does happen from time to time. I had small projects I did in the house and wanted to clean out the fridge. Also indoor projects for Bruce, so not really a down day. But certainly restful.


I know I had planned my retirement well before Kira got sick. But we agreed to take her home from the hospital and see to her comfort. I don't think I realized how stressful that was until she passed. Just so appreciative of the time we were given. But then, this weekend. Saturdays were always errands and Sunday groceries and prep for the week: pills poured, meals set up, money for Erma, yard prep for the lawn guy (I don't like that he mows over sticks and the Butternuts need picking up), Farm Stand run for the fresh produce, laundry - you all know the drill.


But woke up this morning and NO! I know have a whole week to do all of this and I even have a morning with Erma that is just for me - plan on hairdresser and a Pedi (my first) promised to Mary Beth! And Bruce was really pleased for me.


Thursday night we got phone call from the lab that Bruce's bloodwork was to be drawn Friday morning. No Erma and he has to be fasting. Then Contractor called about the ramp to the deck. I tossed around how to work this out. Contractor Pete said his brother would be coming. Both Pete and Tom have basically rebuilt this house, so I didn't care who was coming and knew I did not have to be here. But working around a fasting blood draw, toiletting, Bruce's breakfast and coffee - and really it was my last day at work, so who cared? Bruce's Godson stopped in - his birthday - so that was a great treat. Contractor Tom brought his Pomeranian-Gidget. Bruce had to dogsit and so loved it. She is precious and so well-mannered. When Bruce finally was able to nap, he was out for two hours - LOL. Always a reminder about taking them out of routine.


The raised toilet seat is great. So much less work for Bruce. And I do love these new designs. Cleaning is so much easier. It will be interesting to see what Erma thinks. Mary Beth will hate it - her feet won't touch the floor - LOL. And the permanent - well almost - ramp onto the deck is great. Can open both doors and just have the screen door open if we want. The ramp pieces over the door jamb, the boys stained to match the wood floors. Mostly I wouldn't have cared but that attention to detail is appreciated. The portable ramp weighs 50lbs and it is difficult for me to manage it, but now, it has been adjusted. I can move it if I want to but mostly it will stay right where it is. And guess what? Bruce can get out from the bedroom to the deck independently! Yahoo. And he watched his speed and did not crash into the deck furniture or a railing! Life is good here at the shack. Debbie


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Well, sounds like a good start Debbie. Learn to pace yourself. Routine plus special treats, days out balanced by days at home. It will work out well. Don't rush into big jobs, don't overload your (or Bruce's ) day.


PJ's on past breakfast? not in our family. Dad's saying was :"Up and dressed girls" and we were regardless of the day, month and year. Part of Dad's past I guess. Like Mum saying: "You're home so get out of that school uniform." We all had different upbringings that brought us all to this place where we all have so much in common.


Looking forward to your blogs as time goes by and you start a life that is different and fraught with possibilities.



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Yes, Happy Retirement Debbie. Now instead of rushing to get things done, running back and forth from work, etc. you have the TIME to do things.


Relax and enjoy. You are your own boss now.



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this weekend i more or less did not get out of mine --- just for a bit for that mustang ride other wise i spent the weekend in bed more or less with dan.. just enjoyed being lazy…. work is kicking my butt...

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I just want to comment on the raised toilet seat for Bruce...Me too, without that seat I couldn't use the toilet at all by myself. First off I couldn't get up without help and I hate that when we are in a hotel room that is not handicapped!!! My wife has to come rescue me from the bathroom!!!


Anyway, happy times to you on your retirement date!! Now you are the BOSS and CEO!!!!

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Enjoy your retirment! You have worked hard, now have fun! Slow down, smells the flowers, and watch the sun coming up, like I do!



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