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Fun with Jayden, Colby and Molly (the shih tzu)



I just got home yesterday having spent a week with my granddaughters. We went school shopping, played board games, played "cane hockey", and played with Molly. We finished the week off by making Apple bread and peach bread. Mason wasn't there of course but since I'm showing off my grandbabies, I'll include him too!


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They are adorable! Grandkids are so much fun. I'm glad you were able to see them and do so many fun things. They will sure remember those good times! Every time I get to be with my grandkids, I think, "I'm creating memories for them. Let's make them good ones!" Great pics. ~~Donna

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I love being with my grandchildren too, unfortunately I do not see them as much as I used to. I am glad you got to play games with them, they will remember that, that you were fun to be with. Molly the dog was probably exhausted by the time you went home.

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These girls are very high energy but I guess all 8 and 6 yr olds are. I bought the board games for rain days when the girls were stuck inside so they didn't get restless and rambunctious in the house. We had a few rain days last week so the games came in handy and were very exciting for the girls. They were especially excited with two of the games which were games of chance (Trouble and Sorry) when they beat Nana! It was fun for all of us, even me.


Molly's birthday came while we were visiting. She's 2. She adores me and Jayden. She loves Colby too but when she starts to tire, she runs from Colby because I don't think Colby EVER tires! lol It's funny, Mom called yesterday to tell me Molly is mad at her and is snubbing her. We all came in with Mom and left with Mom and didn't come back. Mom said she has been to both our rooms looking for us. Typically, Molly will get over it in a few days...but not until Molly has made her dissatisfaction known. lol


If I had known grandchildren were this much fun, I would have had them first! lol

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Wonderful pictures! grandkids bring a love out of you that you never knew was there. I agree, I would have them first. So please that you got to play games, that is the best. I play cards with my grand daughter and she loves it when she wins! I don't mind just please that I now have the time to play games.



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Jamie: thank you so much for sharing the photos. They are all just precious. A beautiful group of kids, for sure. So glad you enjoyed your visit and very proud that you were healthy enough to enjoy their company and their energy - LOL. Recovery going very well. Great trip. Debbie

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My grand daughter has a shih Tzu named Princess and she is also two years old but brown and white weighing 11 pounds... She stays right by my side all day at home when my grand daughter is gone or at school... I can take her with me any where I go, no questions asked, and most places think she is a service dog so they never ask me any questions...


She rides on my scooter when we are in a store.. I have PTSD so I show my papers and no questions ever asked if she is a service dog!!!! Many soldiers here suffering with PTSD has a dog with them too as they are getting out the military


You would think this area around Fort Hood is a scooter brigade with so many soldiers using them on and off the post and so many of them has lost limbs and getting out the Army on disability!!!!

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