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Life is so short



My Mom is 88 years old. That may seem like a long time, but it is never enough for someone you love, respect, and admire. You don't know how much time you have or when what you do together will be the last.


I just didn't know this the last time we:


went out for a pizza

planted the tomato patch

went grocery shopping

got corn at the farmers' market

pruned the spruce tree

cooked Sunday dinner

ate hot soup until out noses ran, then laughed like crazy

talked things over


Most of all I always felt that as long as I have my Mom to talk to, everything will be okay.


I'm hoping we will have some of these things again.




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John you will do a lot of those things again but your Mum will be an observer.  It was that way with my husband Ray and I, I worked, he watched.  I did make comments and ask him questions about what he thought we should plant, cook eat, etc.  I wanted him to feel a part of what living at home entailed.  I think we both know what that meant but were too polite, or too sensitive of each other's feelings to say.  We just did the best we could to build good memories and make each day worthwhile as I am sure you and your Mum will do too.



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Hi John.  I often think the same thing about my 83-year old mom.  When she was in the hospital I remember reading a sign in the gift shop that said "Enjoy The Small Things...You Never Know When They Will Be The Big Things."  I often think about that sign, and up until recently I no longer think it is referring to the things me and my mom "use" to do, but that I need to start enjoying the simple things that we do now because one day I will miss brushing her hair, or cooking her dinner (and her telling me to add more salt!), or helping her get dressed. I miss my old mom, but still love my new mom.

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Thanks Heidi. What you said made me cry, but thanks.


I'm really not as much as a wreck as I was in the beginning.


I savor every moment. Over the years Mom taught me patience, but now God taught me compassion.



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