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day44 09.15.2014 pt going ok



Hello and goodmorning to all of you,


It's 7:36am here, on day44 of my gradnma's fight, monday. I was there with her for 2 hours on saturday, and we laughed in an insane manner, she was doing great moralwise...and the therapists said that the nurse and my mom did a good job while she was at home, that her muscles on her paralysed side are still active and strong..right leg and arm mainly.


Real physio therapy will start today I believe, they will start taking her from her 3 people room to a special room, to apply the cables and ...well I dunno what they are going to do actually.


Grandma has 2 roommates, an 82yr old lady from northwest Turkey, usually are very talkative and funny people, and a 25 yr old maths teacher, a young lady, who had a car accident which had her paralysed neck down...sad...all lovely people, as my mom has fun time with grandma's roommate's caretakers...they are 6 in total, 1 patient + 1 caretaker per bed. Grandma still need the nose feeder as the doctors now banned the mouth fed yoghurt for some reason I don't know. I guess there's no standart. I don't know if she's going to have speech therapy there, perhaps they will first try and make her use her right leg and arm...then concentrate on her speech. We'll see...


Grandma in the hospital means that the nurse and my mother has to stay with her in daily shifts...uncle Nuri will help and stay for at least one night+morning, to "give everyone a sigh of breath" (as we say in turkish, means a day to rest), a day for their own.


Today mom will ask the doctors how long they plan to keep grandma at the hospital, some patients say it's 1-2 months, that's when they usually respond well to the PT applied, so that they can walk on their own...etc...


a brand new week with hopes alive.


oh and congrats to basketball fans, as I watched the US thrash Serbia last night in the world basketball champs finals...


healthy and happy days to you all.





Recommended Comments

It is hard to know how long a person will be in rehabilitation as we all relearn at our own pace.  Just keep up with the visiting, take photos in to show her so she feels she is keeping up with family events, praise her for her fortitude and courage as well as her progress.  It is the loving little gestures that family and friends make that keep it endurable.

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Your own good spirits and sense of humor will probably be very good for your grandma. She'll need to maintain her morale as she begins rehab therapy. So will you. Good luck.

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Hi Cagin,  please that Grandma is in good cheer, laughing is good for your soul.   I was sad to read about the  25yrs old, it makes you be thankful for your blessings. 


Loves and hugs on they way



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