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Nowhere Else to Vent!!!!



I know I haven't been on in a while but life has just been one big rollercoaster for me lately. I don't mean that it has been so active that I haven't had time blog it's just that my emotional state has been such that I am going insane I think! Mike is on a new therapy quest to fix his hand and it seems to be doing some good, but as all things stroke it is very slow. We have seen some improvement but not leaps and bounds like he would like it to be so it is hard for him to stay focused and do the routines on the days he doesn't have therapy. If he would just commit to it I think he would have been much further along than he is. As it is now he will continue to progress but much slower. My grown a_ _ children are driving me crazy! Why can't they live their lives and learn that they don't need me to tell them the simplest of things? The youngest one is stressing out over the oldest ones kids. Her dad and his girlfriend are taking care of them because my oldest is too lazy and so into what she wants to do. My youngest stresses because her dad's girlfriend wants legal temporary custody so that she can draw a check to help her provide for their needs, what's the big deal I say? Let her have it, it's not like my eldest is going to help provide for them! My son's car caught fire last month so I took almost all my savings to help him get another one and now it is giving him trouble so who does he call, ME! Like I can do anything! I think they believe I have a magic wand and whenever they need something all I have to do is wave it in the air and everything is good! I need a vacation!!!!! They just don't understand how hard it is to take care of someone on a daily basis and keep up with all their piddley little problems. The come to visit for a few minutes and then they are gone! I wish they could step into my shoes for one day and then maybe they would see just how it is!!!!! I know I am rambling but I just have to vent somewhere and lord knows I can't do it anywhere else. I am so glad to have this site to come to. I don't sleep well at night because all this is running through my head and maybe just maybe now that I have gotten it out I can get just a tiny bit of relief. Thanks for letting me vent. God Bless and have a great day!!!!!


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Cindy, sounds like most families, only want to come when they need something from you. It would be nice if you could turn them off for a while but there is no off button! So enjoy the period between visits.  You could try to set boundaries, like no phone calls before 6pm, but usually you just get flak from that. I seemed to go through a similar period for a while.


So build yourself and Mike up instead.  A vacation?  Have a full day off, pull the blinds closed, light up the candles, put on the soft music, dance around the room, eat your favourite food, maybe just the one glass of champagne. I know this is just a fantasy day in a way but do whatever floats you away to somewhere else.


And come here and vent anytime.

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Cindy: I can't give you any advice about the kids. But, like Sue, are surrounded by families in the same situation.


Maybe you could talk to their Dad. I see where he is already helping out with your oldest daughter. Maybe he could ask the other two to back off a bit?


When you helped your son with the car, did you ask if maybe he could sit with Mike for a bit a few days to help you out? I think it is important to let them understand that often you need as much help as they do.


Vent away honey. At the very least, I can listen and send you a hug. Debbie

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Hi Cat, family l you love then because they are family!   Kids can be selfish, some times you have to set down the rules!   My husband and I went away for a few days, just told them and went. It was great, guess what? They made it. Trust me they be okay!   



It i great that we have stroke net to vent!   Vent away my dear.


Hugs coming your way



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