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Restart for ME



Bob has improved enough that I now have time to think about me and the things I used to enjoy doing. I am digging out projects that were started before Bob stroked and trying to finish them. I don't want my life to be defined by a home filled with incompletes. Before I really had no choice, and gladly gave all my time to Bob's care, but now there is time for me too. So this blog will be about me, picking up some threads of my life where they were cut off, and trying to fit me into my life again.


I am now reading on my IPOD and a kindle. I don't lose them all the time, like I used to lose my book and not find it till I didn't remember what it was about anymore! I'm very surprised to find I enjoy reading on my ipod, as I always thought phone sized things would be too small, but they are great and easy to hold with the loop around your wrist when laying in bed (if you snooze off & drop it the loop keeps it from falling off the bed!)


I've had many hobbies such as scrapbooking, quilting, crochet, knitting, embroidery, cross stitch and tatting. Some more than others, some just a dabbling. I will share one of those recently finished projects that I finished Jan 1, 2015. This was started 1-11-2012, Bob stroked 2-29-12. Probably would have finished before his stroke, if we hadn't been still working on the other house to sell:


Miss Winter Miniature Crinoline:



Recommended Comments

Sandy :


this is so pretty wow you are amazing. I am glad you both have adjusted to your new normal so that you found time to find you again. I think it is in best interest of every one if caregiver is able to find what makes them happy.



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I am glad you are finding time to finish those UFOs (unfinished objects) and display your work.  It is irritating to have a lot of unfinished work around the place and satisfying to finish them at last.

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nice sandy,  one thing that I do is to download stories for librivox.com and then play them during like preparing supper etc.  I am going through anna karinina (for the second time) and whereas the book is quite long and prohibitive the listening is fun.  and not only that you get the interpretation of the reader which puts the proper(assumed) emotion into the reading that you might not do upon reading alone.

but completing projects is much more satisfying than finishing a book! as I am sure your little miss winter provides for you!


best wishes to you and bob


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Sandy - she is just so pretty! Glad you were able to find time to finish and shared with us. Take it from one who has no creativity or artistic flair, I am very impressed. Debbie

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I love this! I think it's wonderful that you are able to enjoy some of your creative pursuits again. I have loved knitting and did quite a bit of it while Lauren was originally in the hospital after his stroke but I lost the capacity to take on any project once he came home. I am only now beginning to regain the desire and he's been in a nursing home for a year. But you inspire me so---here I go too! ~Donna

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Thanks everyone :)


Donna, I had started a knitted doll dress before we became ill in early Dec.  Last night I decided it would be the next project to work on.   (I have sooooo many UFOs in every stage, some nearly done, some only started)    I had 34 rows made of the little dress when I realized it was going to be too small and started over around 5am last night.   I hope I can finish and it fits.   Tell me what you used to knit.    I have knit some... are you a member of www.ravelry.com ?    If not, you should be!   It is a place where you can look up a pattern for say search:   shawl.    Find one you like, then look to the right of the page and it will tell you how many ravelry members have made that project, THEN, you click on that link and see all their scarves of that pattern!    For this reason, it is the best resource online for inspiration for patterns, and seeing what yarns/colors other used and the result.  


If you join, you just need to remember your username and password (it usually saves it if you click to save info, but write it down just incase.   Then you could click on the tab at that top of the page that says PEOPLE and put in my craft name COZYHOMELIFE.   When you get to me, click on my projects and look at the top of the page.   Everything is organized under a tab of what type it is, so you don't have to scroll down the main project page that has every project and is too long and wonky.   Join!   Then friend me and tell me it's you and I'll know you made it!    I am thinking most of my knitting is under the dishcloths or clothes tabs (nothing all that wonderful).

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PS - it is good timing for me to turn to these UFOs to keep me busy, because I'm finding that I'm still weak enough that if I get up and work, I have a set back. 

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