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Haven't blogged in a while, but still enjoy reading this site!



I think one of the main reasons I don't blog is typing with one hand takes me so long! I still check this site daily and love to read!


Mom has been gone 4 months now and it has gotten easier, but I think about her at least once a day and usually a few tears fall. Hard to lose your Mother at any age, just seems like there was still so much left to do with her and now it won't get done. The Holidays were extremely hard :( I visit her grave weekly if the weather in Indiana cooperates! My sister and I change the theme on her grave to match the monthly holiday, like now she has a red Valentine's day wreath on, next will be St. Patricks Day etc... Mom and I always decorated our houses like that, we loved Holidays! I don't do it any more since my stroke.


I had outpatient surgery on 1/15 a Hysteroscopy which is a D & C with a scope.Like a roto rooter of the uterus LOL that is what my OB/Gyn called it! I hadn't had a cycle in 4 years, started bleeding the week before Thanksgiving and didn't quit for 6 weeks! I was hating that! So was my family who had to help! My hematologist changed my blood thinner and we were checking it out to be sure that wasn't contributing to the bleeding. But Thank God, I had the surgery and quit bleeding!!! Yeah! Surgery scared me or the anesthetic scared me!


I see a hematologist or blood doctor because I was diagnosed with APS or Antiphospolipid Antibody Syndrome which is a sister to Lupus. It is where the blood clots too much and too fast, the dr. said it is what caused the blood clot that caused my stroke--it is what also caused my 3 mis carriages--that would have been nice to know 18 years ago when they happened! But at least I know now and can try to prevent another clot.


My daughters are still the light of my llife and one of my motivators to get out of bed every morning. They are getting so old and mature!


It has been 17 months since my stroke and I am still trying to get adjusted and accept the left side is almost paralyzed, I can move it some but it has no function or sensation. At home I am pretty comfortable, out in public I need my husband or one of my daughters.


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I lost my mom three and a half years ago so I know how you feel - you never really get over it but it does get better. Glad your surgery went well and hopefully you won't have any more problems. Have you thought about getting an iPad or a tablet? It makes typing with one hand so much easier :0)

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Tina :


I love reading your blog, glad you came & updated your blog. I wonder about you from time to time. you got such a great attitude.having young children are great motivator for us. mine is now almost ready to go to college. I am looking feverishly to find something to do so that I don't fall back into my depression again. I am so glad your surgery went well, and you are getting better in handling your mom's loss. I know its not easy, but we have to learn to live with the loss.



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So sorry to hear that your mother has passed; I agree, losing your mom is tough, no matter your age.  I lost mine when I was 45 and even now,13 years later, I miss her every day and probably even more so since I had the stroke because she, herself, died from strokes.  I must say, she lived with more dignity and courage in her living with her paralysis  following her first stroke 18 months prior to her death than I feel I have done in the 18 months since I stroked.


Tina, I also hate the one-handed typing but If you have a tablet or smart phone, then I recommend getting the app called Message Ease.  I find it to be a great one-handed keyboard tool!  

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Thank you guys! I only have a laptop now, can't afford a tablet or smart phone. Hubby is looking for a job, but the last year we lived off of my old 401K, which had to be spent to draw SSI and he needed to stay home and take care of me. Anyway, my 12 year old just mentioned talk to text--too bad my laptop can't get it!


Asha--I know what you mean--my kids are my biggest motivator! My oldest is a high school sophomore--I tell her she can't leave for college! :)


Mom passed away on her 72nd birthday and I was 47. 


Maybe I will just update once in a while, since I am stuck typing with one hand. This site is still a wealth of info with beautiful and special people!

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