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day 237 03.17.2015 Grandma is inactive for the last 4-5weeks



Hello all again,


Sorry for not making an entry for the last 2.5 months.


It's day 237 today, Tuesday 17th of March, St-Patrick's day today! yay...Happy St.Patrick's day to the ones who have Irish ancestors...connections, family, etc...


Grandma Adile is not well for the last 4-5 weeks, she's quite, sad, and is like given up on everything. The neurologist who came to visit her at home said "she might be going in depression, that's perfectly normal for this kind of severe brain damage, she can't talk for the last 7 months and counting"...


Mom and auntie are not happy with grandma's mood, she doesn't want to eat, she does not want to get up from her bed, does not want to do her daily back-forth (inhouse) walk tours...she'd do 5 of those daily in the past...she is starting to forget about swallowing, thanks to Yvonne (was it you who mentioned thick-it ?), we use thick-it to make her drink some water. She has gone through some lung diseases (a hard flu, etc... ) and she had to be on the drip for about 2 days at home, had some antibiotics...etc...


I've hugged her for 10mins last sunday and whispered her this " grandma, you are a strong woman, please do not give up, even if you think about giving up, think about how many people loves you, how many you love back...". She still smiles more than she did before she had her stroke...that's really interesting...interestingly unbelievable...


Anyway, that's it on our side now, oh she mumbles 5-6 words now as a change...she will start getting speech therapist this week, once a week...guess they will start with one syllabled words then with two and three, etc...we'll see how it goes...I believe she can do it, and if she can just say one word at a time, she'd then start expressing herself and that'd probably boost her morale... :)


Healthy and happy days to you all.


Cagin and the family.


Recommended Comments

Cagin, so sorry to hear you grandmother has taken a downturn in her recovery.  It must be so frustrating for her not to be able to express herself.  Is her doctor going to give her antidepressants as I know they work well for some people.  Because depression is a normal reaction to having a stroke does not mean it should not be treated.


The infections could be a result of swallowing difficulties so all her fluids need to be thickened and she has to be taught how to do a double swallow, the speech therapist should do that. I wonder if the speech therapist will also have her singing scales as that certainly helped to strengthen Ray's throat and allowed him to speak more clearly.


Thank you for wishing us a Happy St Patrick's Day, my Dad died in 2000 but I still remember it is his birthday.  It is for me one of those happy and sad days now.



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