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another sh^&y day today. was so down this morning I was almost teary. felt like crap but forced myself to go to Walmart which was a mistake. the dizziness, light-headedness are just too much. can't seem to do anything. bending over or stooping down makes me so dizzy I almost fall over. feel like just finding a nice hole to crawl into and

a few minutes ago I started getting twitches in my face. that has never happened before. I think I would rather be dead than go through this stuff for the rest of my life. the appts at the VA are few and far between. and let's not forget they think/thought I was making this up.


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Hi Welcome to the club of survivors.  I am glad you are on here blogging because I have found it therapeutic for me to express all inside me that screams to come out and incredibly there are kind souls here that have not only listened to my rants but they have understood and advised and sometimes just read it.  I think we help ourselves and each other when we honestly share so I am glad you are here and hope you join chat sometimes too because that has been helpful for me on bad days because we talk about light and heavy stuff and we just are there for each other.  I don't mean to sound like an ad here I am just sharing what helped me when I was first thrown into this new world.


I understand the frustration of dealing with docs. I hope you can continue to endure and that you find out what is going on.  I would encourage you to self advocate so that you may prevent things from getting worse.  This is a hard thing to go through and emotions can be all messed up when recovering from stroke for many reasons. I hope you can indulge in some self compassion and find time to connect with some members here who are supportive and caring.

Peace to you my friend. You are not alone. There are many of us in that hole from time to time and also searching for the meaning and strength regarding our survival.  I hope you may find some encouragement and this is a safe haven to vent.  In time there are improvements usually so I hope you can find hope in that.

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Hello,  I do know what you are going through, been there done that.  I was send home, in a lot ot of pain,  no thephy,   scared, lonely, and confused.  I would just sit in my bedroom with my "bad thoughs"'   Thank goodness my daughter, got me to a doctor and told them what they were going to do.   Do you have a family member or friend that would go to bat for you.  I was in and out of hosptial over six times.  I let my daughter  talk for me, and she told them that if they did not  act right, she was going to the TV station. They called her the "crazy women" but they listen!  Got me a good doctor.


Please don't think that you are alone.  This is a wonderful site with caring, knid people.  They helped me alot and still do.  


You are in my prayers


Love and Hugs Yvonne 

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