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Im too weak



I wish I could talk about what a great time I had in Atlanta. how I took the stairs in my aunt's 3 level house, and did the 2 mile walk with her church up and down hills through the route.

I wish I could talk about how I went somewhere everyday last week, applying for jobs, networking, and hanging out with friends and family.


BUT I ruined it. I had a seizure in my sleep Saturday night/Sunday morning and I completely lost it yesterday. I took the rest of my bottle of prozac and slept all day. My dad came to get me since my therapist called the cops when I told her how I was feeling. I already had an appointment to see my psychiatrist today so I told him I quit my medicine. I already dont have anymore prozac and today I didnt take my klonapin or depakote. He told me if I have withdrawal symptoms, go to the emergency room. Im just tired of this. I hate myself. I can never get through things like normal people. I always have to take it to the extreme and get depressed. I've lost 20 pounds. Ever since I was in elementary school I hated myself and wanted to die before I even had the brain surgeries and stroke. Its just too much and Im not strong enough.


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I am sorry you are feeling down again on your situation. I think if you focus on what is still working out for you you will feel much better about life. you have survived for a reason & not as punishment. start making note of what is still working even with your disability. Everybody has some troubles  in their life ours is way too obvious right now but life goes on. you never know who you are inspiring along your journey.



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You know I think you just got to take one day at a time until your doctors can tell you what's causing the seizures you are having so often...

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We have a saying at our house - keep on keeping on! Some days it is just one step at a time. You are loved by your family and friends more than you know. It just sucks when you have to change plans I hope for you that next time will be better. Hang in there.

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keep going Katrina! know that to me you are quite an amazing person. and have a courage not found in most people to come the distance you have come.

take care,


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You are strong enough or you would not have come this far in your journey since your stroke.   You are an inspiration to so many others just starting out on this same journey.   Everyone has stumbling blocks along the way, but you will find a way to overcome them.   Hang in there and know that you will get through this rough period and come out even stronger.


God Bless you in your journey!



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(((hugs))) Katrina.  I have been following your blog since you first started it so know what you have come through and what you have overcome.  I know you feel weak now but with your past record you will feel stronger again soon.

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