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Had a Lovely Outing Today



Haven't blogged in a really long time, so thought I'd give an update. As some remember we had a 5 room flood from a main drain back up in Feb 2014. This year, we both caught something horrible and were down for 2 months Dec & Jan, ruining sons once a year visit :( Feb, we had a plumbing break and a wash empty disaster - so about 4 more smaller scale floods.


We finally were about to get out on April 13, which was the first time out since before winter for Bob. We went to Bob Evans and counted it as our Anniversary dinner, which the date was a little off, but we are flexible! Then when he had a small cavity filled, we went to Starbucks and had a small lunch with it. There is a Starbucks and dining area in our local grocery - weird huh? So that was our 2nd time out.


Today we had a lovely outing where we stopped and picked up lunch and drove to the local 'big water' and picnic'd from the car, while watching the water. I had to think carefully what to get to eat, because eating with one hand with today's BIG messy hamburgers can be a disaster, especially in a car with no table. I decided we'd get a Wendy's Jr Cheeseburger Deluxe, which comes with lettuce, tom, & onion - so more like a full meal. Shared a small fries and diet pop. The street to turn there is right by the parking lot to Walmart, so out plan was to come back by Walmart. As we pulled out of there, we saw signs to the Covered Bridge and decided to go. I wasn't sure if it was the one we visited when we first moved here, or the new one I'd heard about. Bob was incredulous, as he used to ride his bike in this place that had a small sided metal bridge. I had to explain that the bridge was built in 2012 and he stroked that year, so that's why he never saw it before! It was very nice and even had walkways built on the side, that were separate from the road part, so no chance of falling off a sidewalk and onto the road. We were able to pull over right by the bridge, and Bob got some walking in getting to the bridge and then walking on the walkway. It would only be about 10 seconds for me to walk to the bridge from the car, but those who are in the know, already realize it was more like a 10 minute walk for us to get to the bridge! We watched the stream from there and saw a big heron flapping its wings downstream. It was a lovely day, and I'm so glad God blessed us with it! My only let down was both my old dig cams broke and the one I have right now is HUGE (gift from his work one year) - which means it's not kept in my purse. So, I didn't get any pic from our outing, didn't even have my ipod ! But great day :)


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Some outings we might not have photos of but they live on in our minds for a long time.  Glad you have been able to have a couple of meals out and now this special day.  Well done.

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Great trips out, finally, Sandy. Yes, the winter was horrid but glad to see you and Bob are out and about - finally some nice weather. Debbie

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