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Bob always hated yard work at our old home. He'd run the lawnmower over anything. carelessly, just get it over with so he could do something else. I always wanted him to work with me in the yard, and share it as a hobby. He hated that idea. When we moved here, the setting was so beautiful and we both reallly loved the yard. He bought every tool known to man, to work in HIS yard. I was elated! My dream of us working on our yard together was coming true! The other couples in the neighborhood all worked on their yards together, and I was so happy seeing them and thinking how we would grow old and retire and be out in our yard together, just like them, making our home more beautiful.


Well.... I let the grass get way too high. When I cut it, there were so many clumps of grass that the next time my mower choked on it. So, over the week-end, I took Bob out to the backyard, and gave him a fan rake and we started trying to get some of it up. He is sooooo good with a rake or hoe, because his working side is his dominant side! He did a little raking last year, so I knew he could do it. The only problem was, he would get an area raked in 5 minutes, then I'd have to get him up, move his chair over, sit him down, stuff what he raked into a bag, then it'd be time to move him already! After moving him a half a dozen times I began to think of his power chair, and brought it out. There were times when it was a little hard to move, because of bad ground, and he knew he had to keep it on the lowest setting. I told him they were easy to turn over if one was going too fast, and went into a dip or uneven spot. It was really great for him to feel like he was doing it himself.


So today (Tues) we went out into the front yard. We have all these horrid mole hills and I gave him the rake and I used the weed eater while he worked to flatten down the mole hills. After we were done and he was back inside, I ran over the flattened spots with the car, ha, ha!


A few hours later, Bob said (a little aphasia but very understandable) "I wanted to tell you that what we did today, I enjoyed more than anything else we've done or went. It made me feel good to be able to do something, so you didn't have to do it all, and to be able to move myself in the power chair. (just a little translating for you)


I told him how much I enjoyed it too and it was always my dream that we'd do that together, like a hobby, one day. Since his stroke, whenever I would pass others out working in the yard as a couple, I'd feel a pang of pain in my heart, thinking of how much he'd looked forward to working in THIS yard. With tears in my eyes, I told him about how my dream was coming true afterall, and we were working in the yard together.


I don't know what the future holds, no one does, but I thank God for the blessings that come to us one day, one moment at a time.


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How good to hear there is a job you can do together, I just love it when someone works alongside of me, it is one of the things I really miss since becoming a widow.  At least when Ray was here he could watch me or come and look at the result of what I had done.  Now you and Bob can actually see what the two of you have achieved.  Bravo!!!!

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Sandy :


your blog brought tear to my eyes. I am so happy for you that you both were able to work outside in your yard together albeit differently, but worked together nonetheless. that's what I feel life after stroke its not good or bad its just different still enjoyable & worth every penny. That's how I feel about my life I am grateful to be around my family & enjoying my life, it does not look perfect to normal people, but its great for our family.



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Sue, you are so right, I know many people wonder how awful my life must be, but they don't realize I have the love of my life still with me, and we still share life together.    I remember when I thought he might die, how I felt so torn in half, like a car with only 2 tires.    I so appreciate this time we still have for what he can do and also what he can just be there for me.  


Asha, when Bob first stroked, I called my friend and told her he was going to very handicapped if he lived and how could we have a life and what would it be like.     She just said really matter of factly, "people think being handicapped is so horrible, but it's just different.    I would have sucker punched anyone else who said that to me, but since she group up with a handicapped mother and her father later became handicapped, I listened!

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PS - I have been watching the 'little people' reality shows on tv, and I often think they need to be nicer to each other, BUT the point is, I can't believe how they function so well.    I watch them and every single thing they do is tedious just for the simplest task.   Yet, they never complain or do the 'woe, is me' they just accept it as the way they've always done it.    I am so inspired by their 'just go ahead and do it' attitude, that they don't even think or worry about.

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Sandy :


psychiatrist at my rehab hospital told me life after strke will be just different & I wanted to punch her. but today after on this post stroke journey I can see how true that statement is life post stroke is just different not good or bad just different good or bad we make out of it ( my spiritual knowledge to it)



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Good for you Sandy, you provided something Bob can feel productive doing and also something he can enjoy with you.  


I need to find something Larry can enjoy doing.  



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I loved reading your post! I am one of those "woe" is me people almost daily. I try to work on it and stay more positive, but a lot of days it is so hard.   I love how you are seeing your dream come true, something simple but filled with so much love!


Loved how you flattened the mole holes! LOL Good idea  but it did make me laugh out loud!! :)


Your last line sums up life, one day, one minute at a time! Thanks for sharing!

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Sandy: that is such wonderful news! You go Bob! Bruce who loved being outside, tending to his yard and garden, not so now. And his Scooter would take him all over this yard.


So happy for you and Bob. Finally something that "grabs" him and the power chair - a benefit you may not have thought about when you bought it!


You both will have that yard in great shape soonest. Good going, Debbie

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