saved the best for last
I am still doing good. I can't even remember all of the stuff I've been doing. For about a week I think I went somewhere everyday. I did go to the brain injury support group. We watched a video on invisible disabilities. I met some nice people. That week I also went to a holistic health expo. I met a guy from Medtronic I think that had a display on deep brain stimulation. He gave me the names of a couple of good neuromuscular doctors at Duke. When I called, I found out I already had an appointment. Unfortunately my dad could not drive me to Raleigh yesterday so I had to reschedule for August. Hopefully I will be able to go before then. I see my neurologist in a few weeks.
Now that Im not worried about seizures and panic attacks, Im back to focusing on my weak side I guess. I posted a picture of me on the Young Stroke Survivors group on facebook. My arm was so bent and I get tired of holding it for pictures. I just want it to be straight. Also, I bought some new shoes. After spending 3 hours in the shoe store I settled on the only shoes I found that I could walk in with my AFO. Unfortunately I later discovered that my foot came out of both shoes when I was walking. I tried wearing them with out the AFO but I had to walk really slow and since my feet pronate, I don't like the way I was walking on the inside of my foot. So these are the things I want to bring up to the doctor. The tone in my upper body and fixing my foot.
Last week my therapy ended. At first I was sad and scared knowing that I won't have a therapist on call 24/7 but I went to a support group with my church on Saturday and they told me about some good therapists in the area so I will call around when I feel like I need it. Right now I don't because I am so grateful! I have so much energy. I got my appetite back and gained 10 pounds AND I got 2 part time jobs! I start in a couple weeks. I will be a mediator for the county. I also met a lady at the park who not only invited me to her church to tell my testimony but also wants me to tutor/mentor her granddaughter. It's so wonderful. One day I was feeling sad and lonely so I walked to the park to be around other people, she sat on a bench and started talking to me, I went to her church to share my testimony, and now she wants to pay me to help her granddaughter when I'm not at work. I am just beyond grateful for the progress I have made!
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