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My 100 things you don't know about me!



I have enjoyed reading other people's so thought I would try it!


1. Born, raised and have lived in Indiana all my life.


2. I have only lived in 4 houses in my 48 years of life.


3. I only have 1 sister


4. I live in the country


5. 35 miles east of Indianapolis


6 When I was a kid we had a trailer fire and lost everything we owned except the clothes on our backs


7. My neighbors had 3 sons that were like brothers to me


8. One of those boys is still like a best friend


9. We have been friends for 40 years!


10. My Dad lives in the same house I grew up in after our fire


11. Dad still owns the 3 acres


12. On the 3 acres Dad used to plant about an acre and a half in garden


13. I hated a garden (all of the work) and did not have one of my own until about 4 years ago


14. I so wish I was physically able to have one now


15. I absolutely adore tomatoes and corn on the cob


16. I know how to can and freeze almost anything


17. I have canned potatoes and even tomato juice


18. When I was a kid we planted almost everything including pumpkins and popcorn


19. Down the road from our house was a "creek" the neighbor boys, my sister and I swam in it every chance we got


20. I graduated from a hick country high school with 105 other students (small school)


21. I still keep in touch with about 5 girl friends from high school


22. This year marks my 30th high school reunion


23. My daughters go to the same school I went to


24. The same school still has a drive your tractor to school day lol


25. I immediately went to work right after high school


26. I stayed with Target for 20 years


27. I worked in clerical


28. I still have a few friends from my work years there


29. I started going to church when I was a baby


30. I turned my life over to God when I was 19


31. I drive almost 45 minutes one way to church almost every Sunday


32. I have been a member of this church for 29 years


33. I am a member of a United Baptist Church


34. My church paid all of my bills for a couple months while I was in the hospital


35. The 1st Christmas after my stroke one person was an organizer


36 Other members bought gifts for my daughters


37. They even wrapped them


38. My kids got 15 gifts a piece


39. Best Christmas they ever had


40. I love my Church


41. I met my husband when I was 24


42. We dated 2 1/2 years


43. I married him when I was 27


44. We have been married for 21 years


45. Marriage is very difficult!


46. I have had 3 miscarriages


47. I have one daughter who will be 17 in August


48. Her name is Trinity


49. I have one daughter who will be 13 in October


50. Her name is Victoria


51. My daughters are the reason I live


52. My sister had an aneurysm when she was 19


53. I had a ischemic stroke when I was 46


54. I lost my left side


55. Spent 6 weeks in an acute rehab


56. I had 3 months of in home therapy


57. I had 6 months of out patient therapy


58. I never lost speech, I talked all the way to the hospital in the ambulance


59. I never lost memory


60. I never lost any thing cognitive


61. I can only walk with an AFO


62. I use a quad cane


63. I can only walk for about 5 minutes


64. I am mobile for a little while


65. But I have to spend a lot of time in my wheel chair


66. I have movement in my left arm


67. It is not functional


68. I do not have sensation on my left side


69. I hate stroke


70 My Mom had a TIA


71. My Dad has had 2 TIA's


72. Everyone in my immediate family has had some form of stroke


73. My Mom died 9 months ago


74. One of the hardest things I have ever dealt with


75. Had to put my dog down 4 months ago at the age of 9 years


76. She had a mass on her bladder


77. I loved that dog


78. Had her cremated, I still talk to her ashes quite a bit lol


79. My Mom was born an raised in IN


80. My Dad was born and lived in TN until he moved to IN at 18


81. I love Facebook


82. I like to play euchre on FB and in real life


83. I love to eat out


84. I could eat pizza or tacos 2 or 3 times a week


85. I used to love to cook


86. Now not so much since I am 1 handed


87. I like to eat popcorn with mints


88. Got that off of my Mom


89. I sold on eBay for 10 years


90. Had an eBay store called FishandButterfly Treasures


91. I like thrift stores, garage sales, etc...


92. I was OCD about my house before my stroke


93. Now life is about simplicity


94. My stroke started in my garage while I was getting out my riding mower


95. I had my dog with me and talked to her the whole time.


96. I love the internet


97. It keeps me company a lot of days


98. I love strokenet.


99. On Facebook I am Tina Cornett (Trew)


100. Send me a friend request, my life is like an open diary on FB :)


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thanks for sharing!  I have some things in common with you!  I also hate stroke.  I also love strokenet!

I am so happy you have two wonderful daughters.  I want to try eating popcorn with mints now!!


Take care,


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Well, I don't suppose I could make a hundred but more like twenty five at my age so I won't even try...


The main one I got is I'm still here as a survivor, thank God!!

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I knew some of the things about you from your blogs and Facebook.  I knew we were both country girls, family orientated, loved the simple things like popcorn though I don't have mine with mints! My Mum's grandfathers family lived in the one English village for over four hundred years. I have lived in many place until I came back to my home 32 years ago, now i am a fixture. Thanks for writing 100 things about you.

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