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it just never ends



Dan is sick - I came into the nursing home room and found shivering . I got out the quilt and covered him up , the we snuggled for a bit. But he was really shivering. so I told the nurse. But the scary part our youngest Beth has the chicken pox- and she was with dan at her most contagious. Right before the breakout. We have no idea how she got exposed and she was vaccinated for it. So now shingles for Dan could be in" the cards of life". One more crappy deal… Dan and I for that matter are both going to be at risk because our immune systems are impaired… I had shingles as a 5th grader, but that offers no protection probably makes me more vulnerable. Both Dan and I have had the chicken pox so shingles could be a very real possibility. It is what it is I guess. I think Dan actually had the shingles vaccine. But in our family - if it is improbable - then that is going to be what happens. If anyone wonders how or why I got so depressed well - this little slice of life, is the answer - It just never ends...


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Let's hope the odds are in your favor that one out of three people will get shingles who had chickenpox as a child.... 


Shingles caught up with me a few years ago but it only last a day or two on my left hip but not bad at all....


Still we just have to live one day at a time... I got the shingle shot at Sams Club for free one day a year ago and I don't notice when the shingles comes on my butt, my wife tells me the area is showing again, I don't feel it that much anymore....  

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Oh Nancy - so sorry. I do hope that Dan does not have shingle - the shivering could be any virus really - wait for the bloodwork to come back. But yes, as Fred advises, keep getting those shingles vaccines - best defense at this point. Let us know. Debbie

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I had shingles, and aside from the intense pain and tingling that made you want to scratch it (but would feel like a abcess if you tried to) the rest of my body was not affected in the least.   I did later get the shot, and one for Bob too, hoping he would not have to ever have them.    I will say that I used powdered turmeric and made a thick paste and put it on the shingles.   It did give releaf, but you have to pretty much put it on exposed skin, as it is like mustart and will stain forever whatever it touches.   I had shingles on my butt, so had to lay around with my butt exposed with the stuff on it.   I also remember them feeling red hot, so I dropped the room temperature to colder and it helped the itching.   Anyone who suspects you might have even one, go to the doctor now!    The meds stop new ones, but the old ones have to go away on their own, so the more you have before you get the meds, the more you suffer!


Hope you find out what the shivering is about soon.

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Nancy, sorry you are once again having troubles. Hope it was just a 24 hour bug and not shingles. Will be praying for you both!

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so far so good - whatever dan had appears to have been viral. and so far no evidence of shingles for anyone in the family. although it has a long "incubation period"So until we past a month from date of exposure we will keep a eye open .

I am still battling the depression. It really is a whole new start of life for me. I am learning to not spend 100 % of the 40% I have free in the day at the nursing home. It is so heartbreaking, but i gotta keep going and working on ME… because if there is no ME - than Dan won't be taken care of . And as my daughter once said about placing dan in the nursing home - Mom you don't have to take all his days, but you can take the good ones. It is just very hard for me to just "give it up" - by that i mean set my burden down and let God carry it. I can't fix it anyhow. Cause if tears, determination,heart break and pure physical work on both my part and Dans - Then Dan would already be "fixed".. In my attempt to fix him - I broke myself with the absolute disabling depression I have had. Oh well, Life goes on. and on and on...

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