Pretty good day today
it is 0100 and I still awake, wife and cats are all sleeping, I have a cup of sleepytime tea I'm sipping on, it usually works but I need to be careful as it interacts with my coumadin and acts as multiplier. My coumadin dose takes account of that cup of tea every night.
So today worked out well. Helped a friend spec out a new computer for gaming.
Went to the local library and booked a room for Aug 1. My wife and I teach the state safe boater class. That class is essentially a 7 hour lecture/Q&A session. It was tough in my prior life, brutal now and mix in my aphasia, it gets awkward. We are working with other squadron members to get them to assist.
Updated our squadron web page with the new class schedule and other loose ends.
<sips tea>
Updated the webpage for the national squadron organization.
A friend stopped by to visit. She and her husband have hung in with us since day one of this grand adventure. She'd a psychiatrist and understands the situation fairly well, but admits she still learns things about strokes from me. She was unaware of post stroke central pain, we discussed that a bit again today. In particular she was curious about the way I was dressed, not many people wear sweats in Florida during the summer. We discussed how the flow of cool air from AC was painful but I barely feel the heat, hence the sweats, otherwise my right side is sort of a fire-ice burn. Of course you need to be cautious when you don't feel heat, it is still there.
<sips tea>
So that was my day at camp CVA. It's 0215, I think I'll go try reading a little. I'm still working to learn how to read again, my eyes don't focus very well and tend to jerk around without me realizing it. Suddenly I'm completely confused and have to go back and read the sentence again. But slowly I'm getting there, a few months ago I couldn't understand what I read at all, it was all gibberish. To a life long reader that was a major loss. I'll never read a whole novel in 1 day again but that's not a bad thing, books are expensive.
I was gifted with another day that I survived, what more could I ask for?
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