What is your profession?
Another busy day I have my volunteer work today and then a wedding this afternoon so rather than carry my suit around with me all day I just simply put it on this morning and I'm wearing it doing what I normally do.
On the bus this morning I was chatting with a young man and he finally said to me can I ask you what your profession is?
I must admit I was briefly speechless hard to believe I know but I was stumped with that question I started with the standard response of I had an aneurysm and stroke almost 2 years ago and I tried to go back to work but if I failed so now maybe I'm a professional blogger and a writer.
30 years ago when I first moved to my current lication when I would meet people they would ask me what do you d do? I would say I'm a poet but I do this that to pay the bills, over the years I have written here and there but but now I'm writing daily so I guess I have come full circle and I am a poet God does work in mysterious ways as result of the stroke I'm back where I need to be.
So I have a question for each of you what is your profession?
I am a poet a volunteer and an advocate for stroke survivors.
How wonderful it is that u finally realized what God had in mind for me with ne made me a Survivor.
Life is grand, all things considered.peace, love, joy and prayers,
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