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I have sh*t for brains.



True. I do. I have sh*t for brains. As the Melbourne Cup finished and the winning jockey was being interviewed, the phone rang. It was the organisation in Cairns that I have organised the transfer between the airport and our Palm Cove hotel. The driver of the minibus was wondering where we were.


In filling out the booking form online, I had entered the wrong date. As we were the only passengers who had booked him for that day we still have to pay. And we have to pay again for the correct pickup tomorrow.


So instead of paying $44, we are paying $88.


So what I say is true. I indeed have sh*t for brains....


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Ummm... we all make mistakes.  I always tell a friend he is on the whole a wise man who makes an occasional mistake.  So I will give you the same advice. I have done something similar myself, turned up at an event both a day early and a week late...so it just proves you are human like the rest of us.

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Mitch :


mistakes happen. I have done right after my stroke booked wrong return date flight coming home  so ended up staying day longer in london  while returning from our europe vacation in 2005.ended up costing us more, but hubby was so good about all of it, made me enjoy our vacation more. mistakes happen that shows we are all human, and it is great learning opportunity. this year I planed our europe vacation after decade & everything went so well became my dream vacation. So mistakes happen learn from those & move on.






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I guess you can say we live and learn every day and I say that as true to me being on a down hill run brain wise as I know and feel I am headed downhill fast.... I really don't think nor believe I got very much time left with good sense or a brain....

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Well, we arrived in Palm Cove OK, and we are now sitting in the same bloody bus we paid for yesterday....And again today!!!! All I need for the trip to be complete is to discover the hotel has lost our booking!!!!!

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just a little adventure !!!!   I have done the same. .I once drove for 2 hours looking for an exit....around and around I go..lol


Everytime I went to get off..I got scared...and went around the loop  again..

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