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Nursing Home Life



Well Nursing Home life isn't easy for Dan or myself. I continue to visit daily during my noon hour. It is bitter sweet. My sister notices everytime I return from a visit on the weekend how sad I am. I can't seem to let go of our prestroke lives. I never realized how co- dependant I was. Almost 5 years out now. The first two taking care of Dan at home was fabulous, no it wasn't - right--- the refusals the not drinking the not eating -- on and on.. But for a bit I tricked myself into the rose colored glasses. And the last two - frightening .


The kids don't help as much as they had promised --- kids right. They have their own lives, as they should.

I still am struggling with the depression, but now we are going down the road of bi- polar .... Same meds, leaving the effexor alone -- but using the a much higher dose of ambilify.... Last time I was on it i was at 2mg now ; we are going 5 mg for a week and then 10 mg.... scared of the weight gain.... My depression isn't the sad, crying can't get out of bed... I am manic for the most part my mind races and my body reacts to the mind racing... worry about Dan, then I worry about work ( mind you my boss is not a high pressure person) worry about the kids, day dream about the past. in split seconds.... Always a multitasker , now brain won't stop multitasking...

But I am better no doubt, so if your reading this and think OH - she is sinking again, i am not. I just want to get a bit better. And waiting the past 4 months or so with no med changes hasn't improved me. But I haven't went backward either.


I have big decisions to make. Good job opportunity if I can handle it and I am not sure I can. My boss is considering running for judge. And he will most likely win. I can go with him. But the level of work I am not sure I am up to at this point. However - good pay, good benefits, love my boss,. But working in a full office of women scares me. However I would have my own office and really only interact when needed.


My boss and I worked a really big case last week and went to trial with it. We lost but it was about a 90% chance going into it we would, I felt we got the odds to about 50/50 when it went to jury. We lost. But did a absolute great job defending him.


Now my next touchy topic, if one has a constructive thing to say - then say it. If you want to criticize or make me feel bad - keep it to yourself. I am lonely. I miss my old life. But that is gone. Dan as I knew him is gone. He is a dependent, and I love him, but not a husband. The stroke stripped us of all that. So I have seen a few men. Guess what, none want to be seen with me. They like me, but being seen ( small rural town) with me, they can't do. One was absolutely sure he could. But in public I felt the shrinking from me. No fixes to that. For those of you who don't know - I am 48.


Dan has his own private room at the nursing home finally !! He is much more settled. But every behavior he has is still a issue.

So I have to mentally prepare myself everytime I visit. Got to be ready for shut the door, lights out, fix the picture move the TV just a bit. On and On....


How on earth did I take care of him for 4 yrs and now I can't hardly do an hour ? No answers...


The whole why us, why, why, why.... doesn't matter - it is what it is.... Now if I can just accept that, I would probably feel a lot better.


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No criticism from me.  I was 43 when Ray had his first stroke so it could have been me.  Keep in mind the extra pressure that may come from your new job and allow plenty of down time so you don't get sick again.  Find some things you can enjoy doing alone.  As a widow that is what i am trying to do, build a new life alone, not much fun but we can do it.

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Hi Nancy, no criticism here. It is easy to say what you do when you are not in that situation. You have been through a lot, so don't be so hard on yourself.  I never said "why me", I find that it has happen, so it is what it is, so move froward. Do not get me wrong, I did my time in a depression fog,  and it was my spiritaly life that lifted me up. 


Take the job, stop worrying till you get to the bridge. Your boss would not have you in mind, if he though you could not do it.


Go for it !


Best Wishes


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Nancy, i am glad that you are doing better. Just take care of your self. That is easier said than done. No ctriticism from me. You know what you need. Just be careful small rural areas can be cruel. But the idea of an exciting new job. That does sound like a good idea. Try it and see. I know that you are more able than you think. Ruth


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It's been awhile since I talked with you, I'm still alive but not able to walk good at all so I take one day at a time while my wife is still working full time at the bank she loves.... I will say prayers for you and Dan as he is in a place I never want to be but sometimes we have no choice in the matter....


Take care Nancy and keep praying for a better tomorrow....

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Hi Nancy,


After Bill passed away I saw a gentleman briefly who would not take me out in our town - and there are some 300,000 people here. It turned out he had not told his daughters he wanted to date. When he told the oldest daughter - who he thought would be accepting - he found out she wasn't. I was referred to as "that woman", and you can imagine how I felt when he read me the letter. His demeanor changed completely and to make a short story even shorter that was the end of our dating. I didn't feel it was fair to me that he had not shared HIS desires with his daughters so I was made out to be the bad "guy" or "girl" in this situation. Dating as a widow isn't even all that easy sometimes!


I'll not judge you, being alone is lonely, and as caregivers we are all lonely, confused, depressed and angry - sometimes all at the same time. As with Yvonne, the only thing that really got me through eight years of it was my spiritual life. And it really is what it is. We can't change it, all we can do is walk through it. I would hate for you to open yourself to unnecessary criticism from  people who are apt to do so if you live in a small town - and I am sure you have thought of all the negatives over and over again!

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Nancy: you know you are always in my prayers and thoughts. Your decisions have been sound and true. Go with your gut - it has guided you through all of this. Take the job and give yourself time to adjust and settle in. We have talked before - one thing at a time. Love, Debbie

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Good to hear from you Nancy.  So sorry you have gone through so much with your own health.  Dan is being taken care of and you did the best you could. 


You are so young.  Enjoy life as best you can.  


I wish you the best in all you do.



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Well the boss decided not run for judgeship..... !!!!!!!! Sigh relief...... Not a loss for me at all. .... we are moving to a brand-new office in march ---- and i am excited for that, otherwise all is about the same... todays is a good day. Boredom is the enemy.Seems I have to run and do all the time..... 

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Hi Nancy, long time no pow wow!   You can only help someone as much as they will respond and co-operate, and you did it without all that, for 5 years.    I only wish you the best.    I'm glad the job is staying as is, I think there have been too many changes already, and changes, even good ones, translate to the body as stress.    

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Nancy, I congratulate you on being honest with yourself and taking action. I was 56 when my first wife of 28 yrs passed away. I was dating within a month, Lesley and I married 4 months after the death, aand we will celebrate 15 yrs in Oct 2016. 

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