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"Wonder Woman"



Ya, ya, I'm amazing. I have and am overcoming a lot, and I have many able-bodied friend and family members, but I would like to make friends and share more BI hardships, or I met a guy who suffered a SCI who I have a lot of similarities with too...  Basically if you're amazing (and you probably are) you should talk with me. What's the worst that could happen?


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Welcome to the Blog Community Wonder Woman, we are all wonderful in our own way, thanks for the reminder. Go on blogging and helping us learn more about you. Keep posting and you are sure to make friends here. Good to hear you have overcome so much to get this far. Warm (((hugs))) and welcome from one of the long term members. 

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Hi Chris, Nice to meet you. I meant to reply to your forum post, but for some reason it's locked and I can't. I love your signature "worry is a misuse of imagination" aint that the truth!  I'm big on risk management, which uses the same sort of imagination but instead of worrying you make plans to deal with the what ifs. And for some things the plan is "forget about it and/or let someone else look after it"


We are all Wonder Women in one way or another. Since I started on this particular journey many people have told me they can't understand how I do it "it's so hard!"  my response and it suspect yours is very similar is "I do what I have to, there's not really any choice"


OK so I'm now more limited in the way I can do things and I have to be more careful about how I tackle some things but that isn't a reason not to do or try new things. Life is for living so I get out there and live it. Yes sometimes I pay for my fun with fatigue etc. but its not like I don't know it's going to happen so that's a "risk" I need to plan for.


I hope you enjoy this site there are some great people here!



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hi Chris :


welcome to best online stroke support group. I agree with overcoming this adversity we have indeed gained lot of wisdom what hasn't killed us did make us stronger & better. hope to see you around often in our chatroom & blog world.



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On 1/16/2018 at 2:17 PM, heathber said:

Hi Chris, Nice to meet you. I meant to reply to your forum post, but for some reason it's locked and I can't. I love your signature "worry is a misuse of imagination" aint that the truth!  I'm big on risk management, which uses the same sort of imagination but instead of worrying you make plans to deal with the what ifs. And for some things the plan is "forget about it and/or let someone else look after it"


We are all Wonder Women in one way or another. Since I started on this particular journey many people have told me they can't understand how I do it "it's so hard!"  my response and it suspect yours is very similar is "I do what I have to, there's not really any choice"


OK so I'm now more limited in the way I can do things and I have to be more careful about how I tackle some things but that isn't a reason not to do or try new things. Life is for living so I get out there and live it. Yes sometimes I pay for my fun with fatigue etc. but its not like I don't know it's going to happen so that's a "risk" I need to plan for.


I hope you enjoy this site there are some great people here!



Tell me more about you and risk management? For "worry is a misuse of imagination", ya it is for sure easier to say then do.

For "I do what I have to, there's not really any choice" Yes!! It is so hard to do this, and also hard to not envious of others...

Ya, I'm more limited, but with patience and understanding I can do a lot! It drives me crazy when other's force their impatience on me.


And :) Asha and Sue

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