Setting Aside The Doctors Orders
I am swelling so badly, my edema is not pitting but walking is painful,like on rocks on the bottom of my foot. I cried. I wear a circaid juxta support stocking thing,but it still swells. The cardiologist changed my diuretics from lasix to bumex and spironolactone. And so then she said nothing can help me because too much diuretics can hurt kidneys. Yes I elevate,but sometimes I sit with legs down because I get up and down. Then I lie down elevating, which puts my leg to sleep,foot tingling. Only 1 foot,the one on painful leg is numb.
So, the doc here at the home put me back on lasix,and I will not be taking what the cardiologist prescribed. Ok, so I was on lasix for a while and wanted something better,and look now I need the lasix again. I will report this to my primary again. See what she says,but the doc here sees the problem and just set aside the doctors order. How can I put my trust in any of this.
I worry not following the advice of a cardiologist. But according to her no cardiac problem now. *Plus I am on a no salt diet right? but I am taking processed ham off the chef salad, ask for a fruit plate when the food served is ham or something salty like sausages.
Sigh. So back to Drawing board.
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